Should We Treat Cancer or Prevent Cancer?

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 07 November 2011

Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the world. In America alone, 25% of all deaths related to cancer.

Many people think of cancer as a problem, but in fact it has a number of problems spread throughout the body. Generally speaking, if cancer is caught in the early stages of development, can be treated and cured.

Although there are several different types of cancer, the most common ones are lung, prostate, breast, testicular, skin and colon.

genes controlling proliferation and cell growth. If these genes are defective in the first place, and then the cells can not grow or divide properly. As a result of these abnormalities, cancer cells are born.

There are a number of factors that cause cancer. Factors that are controllable by the people are smoking, toxic elements and radiation. It can be controlled to some extent and therefore it would be wise to avoid them by changing our lifestyle. However, there are certain elements that are beyond our control.
These include mutation and inherited DNA.

As a result of research conducted by the American Cancer Society, more than 180,000 people have died as a direct result of smoking. Another 200,000 people have died due to lack of changing lifestyle habits. Obesity, laziness and malnutrition can have an effect on cancer growth. Needless to say, the cancer has risen more than 50% since 1995.

Let's look at some of these cause cancer in more detail.

Smoking: the most prevalent and easily avoidable type of cancer is one caused by the use of tobacco. This includes the use of cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Although smokers are addicted to nicotine, the fact that 200,000 people die each year due to smoking causes cancer should be enough motivation to quit. Some experts say that smoking cessation may increase life expectancy to 20 years.

Although nothing has been proven, studies have shown that stress can also be a factor in cancer. Many cancer patients have also been employed in stressful jobs. Some theologians believe that stress reduces the body's immunity to cancer.

exercise and healthy eating: a healthy diet and exercise is generally known to be beneficial in many aspects. However, not many people know that food full of nutrition can reduce the risk of cancer. Certain foods, like fruits and vegetables can prevent cancer, while fatty foods such as meat can increase the likelihood of cancer.

Skin cancer can easily be avoided just by listening to good advice. Wear sunglasses, hats, sunscreen and other delicate garments in order to avoid attacks of this type of cancer. While this May seem like common sense, more than a million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year.

In short, some cancers can be avoided. New research and studies carried out all the time. So, instead of concentrating on how to treat cancer patients, perhaps we should all be looking for more ways to prevent cancer in the first place.

More aboutShould We Treat Cancer or Prevent Cancer?

Alternative Cancer Cures - How to Make the Choice That's Right For You

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

the whole field of alternative cancer cures is one of the most controversial in the field of health care, due to the high share of both sides.

Imagine for a moment that is simple, common materials, available to buy a home without a prescription, and costs only pennies per day for therapeutic doses, has been proven to cure cancer. Furthermore, there are no dangerous side effects, is completely safe when taken as advised, and do not harm the body in any way.

Those who have suffered the destruction of all forms of cancer, or they sat helplessly watching a loved one slowly falls under the disease, welcomed this announcement as an answer to their prayers. Such prayers, along with a determination to end the suffering caused by cancer, have led to the formation of a multitude of fundraising organizations that increase the billions of dollars each year to fund the "war against cancer," which President Nixon declared the 1971st

However, if you believe that such a cure for cancer will also be an answer to prayer, cancer researcher, I'm afraid you'll have to think again.

As wars go, the war against cancer is a dismal failure. Philip Binzel, MD, explains in his book is alive and well, "... the time of survival of cancer patients has not been higher than it was fifty years ago." Even more disturbing is that, according to Dr. Samuel Epstein, president of the Coalition of Cancer Prevention, "Over the past few decades, the incidence of cancer has escalated to epidemic proportions, now striking nearly every two people, and more than one in every three women in their lives ."

How is that possible, given the billions of dollars spent on research per year? To answer this question, you have to consider much more than just a medical challenge to find a cure for cancer. You have to look at economics and politics of medicine.

revealing article in the Washington Post, by Devra Davis, (4 November 2007) explains that the "war on cancer remains focused on commercial fuel efforts to develop drugs and technologies that can find and treat the disease - - the amount of more than 100 billion dollars annually in the United States alone ."

There are two points here that should be considered in any discussion of alternative cancer lijekove.Prvi that the cancer research industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and if they ever succeeded in finding a cure for cancer, it would be put out of business. Not only is it highly unlikely to ever happen, but any such threat to its survival in the field of alternative medicine is likely to be met with intense resistance.

The other thing is that all this research has focused on finding "drugs and technologies", in other words, a patentable and profitable methods of treatment. It has succeeded brilliantly in this endeavor. According to the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 22, No. 17, the treatment of cancer patients diagnosed with one of seven common forms of cancer in the United States, in 2002, generated revenues of $ 60.9 billion in direct medical costs. This number is much higher today.

What is very obvious from these numbers is that cancer research and treatment of cancer have become a huge and highly profitable industry. I understand that many sincere people believe that the concern for saving lives would outweigh any commercial motives, and that was only a matter of more time, and raise more research money, prior to the approved "cure for cancer" has been found. These people are likely to remain suspicious of all alternative cancer cures, and will only put your faith in reliable medical authorities.

Some independent researchers, however, are not so convinced that the motives of the billion dollar industry completely altruistic. They point to a number of existing treatments, some receiving U.S. patents, which have been shown to cure cancer, but they rejected mainstream medical industry because they are not put through a rigorous FDA approval process.

This argument is usually presented as "There is no clinical evidence to support claims about the effectiveness of such-and-such a treatment." Of course, the clinical evidence is necessary to protect the public from dangerous and ineffective treatments. No thinking person would advocate the abolition of such request.

, however, argue that there is no clinical evidence of treatment can give the impression that the treatment has been tested and proven to be ineffective. It is also misleading and potentially harmful to the public interest because it will never be enough "clinical evidence" to support alternative treatments, for the simple reason. The cost of collecting clinical evidence necessary for FDA approval for the many millions of dollars. This investment can be recovered only treatment that can be patented and sold at high prices.

This is the "Inconvenient Truth", which explains why alternative cancer cures will never be approved by the medical profession, and is likely to be discredited, even when they are in effect. The history of this controversy dates back more than a hundred years, and contains the stories of heroic pioneers making medical research discoveries, powerful political and financial power, the mysterious death and the research that destroys fire which, for some, the evidence of conspiracy and cover-ups. There are passionate advocates on both sides of this debate, and it will never be resolved to everyone satisfaction. As a research area is rich with new paradigms of medical research and treatment, as well as the human drama and intrigue.

Most people are becoming interested in alternative cancer cures, however, when they are diagnosed with cancer, or when someone close to them. If you're in that situation and we encourage you to get as much information as you can from both perspectives, which will help you to choices that will best support your healing. There is plenty of information on alternative cancer cures and alternative health professionals, now available on the Internet. If you are ready to become your own authority you have all the resources available to you.

Even though you will never solve this heated debate all the pleasure, you will be much better informed decision about which treatments are best for you and yours. When all points of view are taken into account, it's your life that is on the line, and the right to choose.

More aboutAlternative Cancer Cures - How to Make the Choice That's Right For You

Melanoma, Skin Disease and Skin Cancer Treatment - You Need to Read This

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

skin cancer such as melanoma is potentially fatal. Therefore, it is imperative that skin cancer treatment is started early. Skin cancer can take the conventional form, or it may be along the lines of alternative medicine. Cancer treatment is progressing rapidly from day to day, and new methods of treatment are in progress.

Conventional treatments for skin cancer involves a number of methods, such as:


Surgery is the oldest form of treatment of skin cancer. This treatment involves removing the tumor and some adjacent healthy tissue in order to stop the spread of cancer. For some areas on the basis of cancer physicians and surgeons have found the skin peels like the TCA skin peel is very effective (see link below for more information on TCA peels for home use ).


Chemotherapy aims to skin cancer treatment by introducing a cancer fighting drugs in the body. These drugs kill cancer cells interferes with their development and reconstruction. In order to combat the side effects of chemotherapy is molded with a new line.


Radiation therapy uses x-rays to kill cancer causing cells. This therapy can be applied to any part of the body. New radiation techniques such as external beam radiation aimed at focusing radiation on cancer cells and away from healthy tissue.


biotherapy or immunotherapy aimed at treating skin cancer by enhancing the immune system with doses of tumor vaccines, interleukin-2 or interferon-alpha. It involves fewer side effects than other methods.


of cancer is known to be sensitive to heat. Local hyperthermia is one way of treating cancer where the entire body, or an area subject to high temperatures to destroy or weaken cancer cells.

photodynamic therapy

is relatively new cancer treatment, photodynamic therapy, involves the injection of photofrin so that when cancer cells is subject to a laser beam, the drug was launched into action. This treatment is relatively painless, and involves fewer risks and side effects than other forms of treatment.

Steering clear of harsh methods of alternative forms of cancer such as:

Nutritional Therapy

Here is a cancer patient is placed on individualized diet in accordance with specific dietary preferences and requirements in order to counter the devastation wrought by the disease and treatment.


of pain trying to alleviate pain and distress either through medication, surgery or psychotherapy.


This is a "return to nature" in the field of cancer treatment, with natural therapies. Naturopathy is an herbal treatment which improves your body has the innate ability to heal itself by combining a series of processes.


Another new form of cancer treatment psychoneuroimmunology. He believes that the mind can wield enough control over the body to stimulate the healing process. Thus, this form of treatment engulfs range of nutritional and medical issues to help the physical healing and emotional and cognitive therapies such as stress management and humor sessions to strengthen the mind.

spiritual support therapy

Another popular form of skin cancer treatment is a spiritual support therapy, which takes care of the patient's spiritual well-being and exercise regimen and a massage that makes physical therapy designed to relieve stress and pain.

Skin cancer treatment is most effective when cancer is diagnosed early and the doctor moving the best form of treatment.

More aboutMelanoma, Skin Disease and Skin Cancer Treatment - You Need to Read This

NanoTech and Cancer Cures at a Cross Roads

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

As nanotechnology and biotechnology will soon connect to finding cures for many human-urgent medical problems, and possibly cures for many types of cancer. Consider the micro-mechanical delivery systems are concentrated in areas where the cancer cells or even Search and Destroy, which would pass through the body and weed out the cancer cells from the biosystem? How are these technologies from reality?

is not too far, and some are ready to be tested on real people, as they have already proved effective in laboratory situations. One concept is to use a micro-thin carbon nano-tubes for drug delivery to the exact area of ​​cancer area without hurting nearby healthy cells and the concept actually works, now it's just a matter of time to test it on humans, but it really is just one of many of these new techniques and technology is considered today.

Others are also under way on a daily basis and a medical researcher or researchers think another way to treat some types of cancer do you see? In the next two decades, scientists and research and development laboratories can be well on its way to eliminating cancer as a leading cause of death in the world first? At the end of the economies of scale and new techniques may be available for people around the world, imagine a world without cancer?

More aboutNanoTech and Cancer Cures at a Cross Roads

Cancer - Scope of Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the body, which proves to be destructive and life threatening over time. Cancer is called the type of cell growth and organ or body part that it affects. Conventional cancer treatments are - surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy


Modern medicine can cure or control most cancer seen today, however, complete cure May not be possible in a significant percentage of those affected, and the side effects of therapy, and repeat, the main problem.

In this scenario, an Ayurvedic herbal medicines have specific and important role in the management and treatment of cancer. Closest Ayurvedic term for cancer "Rakta-Barbuda", which stands for malignant tumors.

the most important step in any serious disease is "prevention". Ayurveda seeks a healthy lifestyle by balancing physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life. There is a strong emphasis on a balanced, nutritious diet, regular exercise and relaxation, preventive cleansing of the body at regular intervals, and a holistic approach to the material and spiritual needs.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines can be safely used as a complementary therapy to modern treatment of various cancers. The treatment is three pronged: - (i) reduction in tumor size (ii) preventing or stopping the spread of tumor cells through the blood and lymph channels, and (iii) directly affect the treatment of tissue. This treatment also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Herbal remedies such as Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Indian Podophyllum (Podophyllum hexandrum), Sadapuli (Lochner rosea), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), a Heerak Bhasma are used to reduce Size tumora.Način action is complex, and some act directly on tumor cells, while others increase the body immunity and indirectly reduce the size of the tumor. Herb-mineral combinations like Arogya-Vardhini, triphala guggulu and Chandraprabha are also useful.

Processing 'race' and 'Rakta' doshas is an important part of cancer treatment. Medications such as Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Kanchnaar (Bauhinia Variegata) are very useful for preventing the spread of cancer cells in the body.

According to the basic principles of Ayurveda, the human body is composed of seven different, different tissues: - Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda, Astha, majja and Shukra.Tkiva who have been affected due to any particular type of cancer can be treated directly Ayurvedic medicine, and this makes the third approach to cancer treatment.

This is, therefore, a brief overview of Ayurvedic treatment approach raka.Glavna advantage is that the above-mentioned principles of cancer treatment can be applied to any type or form of cancer, and treatment can be tailored as per the specific requirements of each individual patient. This treatment can definitely improve the overall outcome and survival of cancer patients.

More aboutCancer - Scope of Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Complete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

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prostate cancer alternative treatments is defined as a group of unique approaches to cancer treatment are not considered conventional therapy for prostate cancer, and is used in place of conventional cancer treatments.

Prostate cancer is the prostate of men attack the mass of harmful cells. Prostate cancer is most common in the United States and the third leading cause of cases raka.American American Cancer Society estimates that one in six men will face a diagnosis of prostate cancer during their lifetime.

Types of alternative prostate cancer treatments

of Chinese medicine is one of the alternative method is used to treat prostate cancer. Also commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this holistic prostate cancer treatment is based on ancient philosophical frameworks. Traditional Chinese Medicine devises therapy programs in the search for inequalities between internal and external balance in patients. There are eight branches of TCM: Tui na (massage therapy), acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese food therapy, Qigong (Breathing), T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Feng Shui, a Chinese astrologija.Osam branches of Chinese medicine, as most other prostate cancer treatments, are used to relieve pain associated with disease, and medication for side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments.

herbalism or herbal medicine, holistic prostate cancer alternate treat medicinal properties of plants and plant extracts in the treatment center. Some of the most popular parts of the herbal medicine include St. John's wort, lemon juice, green tea, honey, grapefruit, black Cohash, poultices, juniper, and eucalyptus. Herbal therapy is especially highly regarded in Europe.

alternative prostate cancer treatment for conventional prostate cancer therapy

Conventional therapy of prostate cancer managed by members of the medical community, including physiotherapists, psychologists and nurses. Conventional cancer treatments are under intensive study in order to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Hormone therapy and radiation are conventional therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer. Removing the testicles, the surgical procedure called orchiectomy, is another traditional prostate cancer treatment. Such as chemotherapy. Cancer cells are also usually frozen as part of cryosurgery.

There are two common surgical procedures used to treat prostate cancer. They are radical prostatectomy and transurethal resection of prostate (TURP). Radical prostatectomy surgery is usually performed by a cancer has not spread outside the prostate. There are two types of radical prostatectomy procedures, radical retropubic and perineal resection of the prostate pristup.Transurethal be performed in order to prevent prostate swelling.

luteinizing hormone-releasing analogs and luteinizing hormone-releasing antagonists are prostate cancer medications designed to prevent the release of cancer-inducing luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone from the brain. Luteinizing altering drugs are a staple in conventional prostate cancer treatments.

is not marked by the same level of study or control, which means the biggest difference between alternative prostate cancer treatment, and most traditional methods of curing diseases.

More aboutComplete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Naturopathic Methods of Treating Breast Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Naturopathic medicine is a whole body approach to health and healing, which identifies the cause of the disease, rather than just treating the symptoms. It also promotes the balance of our internal environment and the body's natural ability to heal itself by stimulating the immune system. In conjunction with identifying how to strengthen the system, blocks or obstacles inherent ability of the body to restore health are removed. All these things are accomplished by the use of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, exercise, hydrotherapy and herbal remedies, etc.

naturopathic medicine for breast cancer are certainly not the mainstream approach. But as much to learn and understand the treatment, the more attractive they become. Despite conditioned to believe in him and the treatment protocol of our conventional system, we see the validity and success of natural approaches.

, because these drugs are less invasive, less toxic, disease or illness is not složen.Pacijent are not confronted with the harmful side effects or other debilitating condition. Anyone who has been prescribed any medication from a doctor is fully aware that they usually have warned of the "side effects". So basically, how would you treat a condition that they are in danger of creating something else. This is not the case with natural remedies, because, as mentioned earlier, the whole body system has been streamlined with this care.

One of the biggest blows against naturopathic medicine is that it requires time to take effect. We are accustomed to the "quick fix", and this is not the case when in fact, the whole system is corrected, and all that is out of balance is balanced. This reduces the risk of side effects. Therefore, the acute situation does not need to subscribe to naturopathic medicine. Breast cancer that has progressed beyond a certain point does not know that a fair and naturopathic medicine.

In weighing their options for treating breast cancer, naturopathic medicine should be given consideration, depending on how the cancer has progressed and what the prognosis is determined.

More aboutNaturopathic Methods of Treating Breast Cancer

The Most Effective, Alternative Cancer Treatment Revealed

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon declared war on cancer in the United States. All the billions spent on cancer research are left to explore new ways of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Since then, inexpensive, time-tested, natural therapies that have been used successfully for decades around the world and still ignored by conventional medical sustava.Činjenica is that, behind the scenes, millions of people worldwide are successfully treated for cancer using low-cost, natural, alternative treatment of cancer in the 1920s.

of cancer can start with just one or a few cells around the body that undergo changes and become malignant, cancerous ili.Stanice divide and proliferate, a cancer grows. Most tumors arise on the surface of tissues such as skin, the lining of the uterus, mouth, stomach, intestines, bladder, or bronchial tubes in the lungs or channels within the breast, prostate, or other sites. Eventually, they grow from microscopic to visible clump mass, and then start to invade the underlying tissue. As long as the cells remain in a mass, however, the cancer is localized.

At some later stage in a process called metastasis, some cancer cells are separated and swept into lymph channels or bloodstream to other parts of the body. They can be trapped for hours in nearby lymph nodes (stage called regional participation), but if the disease is arrested, it will quickly attack the rest of the body, with almost certainly result in death. Some types of cancer increases with speed malicious, some are dormant in comparison. Some respond to various therapies such as radiation, others do not. About half of the known types of cancer are not curable at any stage. Of the remaining half, it is obviously necessary to diagnose and treat them as early as possible.

If you are seriously considering alternative therapies to treat cancer, you should not rush yourself into any kind of drug. You should take your time, because there are a lot of information that you need to know the mistakes you must avoid. There are many natural treatments available but you must remember that they only work on the minority of people who use it properly. It also depends on the patient's body chemistry. There is the best treatment for certain types or stages of cancer.

conventional doctors do not use alternative cancer therapies. They just put themselves in legal and professional risk if they use chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and expensive droge.Presuda the doctor about what is best for you can never be imposed if the medical policy at the federal level and state level to approve it. Unfortunately, the only FDA promotes drugs and has a long record of not approving any alternative. No matter how well alternative treatments work, MD can never use these because they do not want any problems that might damage their careers.

The success of these so-called alternative cancer treatments, or overpriced by the community for cancer treatment alternatives, or underestimated by the traditional. But if you really want to treat your cancer through alternative therapies, doctors around the world have found the 6 basic types of natural alternative cancer treatments that can be used together:
1st Whole Body Detoxification
2nd Nutrition and oxygenation
3rd The immune system of the building
4th enzymatic Therapy
5th Mental and emotional counseling
6th Non-toxic, natural chemotherapy

More aboutThe Most Effective, Alternative Cancer Treatment Revealed

The Big News About Herbal Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

is very deceptive cancer that affects the prostate, does not start early, but grows rapidly after the start. This cancer like many can be life threatening and very harmful. Many people afflicted with this type of cancer do not even realize what is wrong until it becomes a nightmare.

prostate cancer affects men and their sexual performance, and other sexual functions. More so, older people should be concerned about developing prostate cancer, although it does not affect young people as well. Surgery is an option many are having trouble dealing with, as they will change their lives forever.

surgery is going to be the only known treatment of prostate cancer in the medical field. However, this does not take your abilities to perform sexually, which leaves many with psychological problems. Although people who have surgery can live a long life, many people living with depression. You are never a guarantee that cancer cells are moved to other parts of the body.

herbal treatment for prostate cancer is offered an alternative for people suffering from prostate cancer. This treatment method is not supported by any medical professional, but most believers in herbal medicines. Many believe that early detection of cancer and continued herbal treatment for prostate cancer, you can skip any groups that will help you to deal with prostate cancer.

Listed below are several options for herbal treatment for prostate cancer:

O lycopene, to help fight the risk of developing cancer. Tomatoes, watermelons and grapefruits are a good source of lycopene. Lycopene is going deep into the body and helps to reverse the malignant process. Hence, this herb acts on prostate cancer.

of the Saw Palmetto-this helps prevent the 5-alpha-reductase and interferes with the DRT, as well as working as a phytoestrogen. It helps fight prostate cancer. This herbal treatment for prostate cancer comes from a plant known as saw palmettos.

of the selenium-to is provided from the garlic, chicken, grains and shellfish. There is a link to a lack of selenium and cancer. When these plants, and build a wall against cancer.

By having, regular check up and taking a herbal treatment for prostate cancer [] prevention and treatment will allow a long life. You must follow the guidelines for how much you need per day for any treatment to work.

More aboutThe Big News About Herbal Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Does Ginseng Cure Cancer?

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Ginseng is an herb that is extensively used in oriental medicine to cure all kinds of diseases. Korean ginseng, also known as Panax Ginseng or Chinese, is considered the most effective among the various types of ginseng available. It contains a group of compounds called ginsenoids that is claimed to be responsible for preventive and curative effects of ginseng.

Because of the potency of herbs in the fight against various conditions such as diabetes, cancer, fatigue and stress, and others, several studies conducted worldwide to understand the secret behind the effectiveness of this biljke.Skupina researchers studied the effects of ginseng, especially its potential to cure cancer and published their findings in the journal of Chinese medicine. They opined that ginsenoids act as functional ligands for activating different steroid hormone receptors. Through such mechanisms, ginseng acts on the body in ways similar to steroid hormones.

Ginseng has shown therapeutic effects on the cardio vascular system, central nervous system, immune system, metabolism, endocrine function, stress and aging. Ginseng is also used extensively in oriental medicine to treat cancer.

studies reveal that the pharmacological effects of ginseng are due to bioactive substances such as ginsenoids, saponins, peptides, polysaccharides, polyacetylenes, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. According to a report in the Journal of Chinese Medicine, ginsenoids have anti-tumor effects and has the ability to induce apoptosis or death of tumor cells, anti-proliferation, anti-invasion and metastasis, as well as anti-angiogenesis.

Metastasis is the process by which cancer spreads from the place where the first in a primary tumor to other parts of the body. Metastasis is caused due to the cancer cells acquiring two separate abilities - increased motility and invasiveness. It involves a complex process of angiogenesis (the development process of new blood vessels) and cell interactions. Inhibiting tumor-induced angiogenesis, metastasis ginsenoids control. Ginsenoids are also useful in inhibiting the invasiveness of cancer. They have been shown to inhibit lung metastasis, and reduce the majority of tumors in melanoma, breast, stomach and pluća.Jedini way to cure cancer, control and destroy metastatic tumor cells.

Ginseng contains several compounds that have been found useful in promoting cell death in ovarian cancer cells, flat cells of lung cancer and adenocarcinoma stanice.Znanstvenici say that the way in which ginsenoids help in eliminating tumor cells can be stimulating cell death.

Ginsenoids also show preventive effects. They inhibit the progression of cell cycle and are known to stop cell growth in tumor cell lines of lung cancer, prostrate cancer, leukemia and liver cancer.

Researchers say it is called ginsenoids WG3 and RH2 have emerged in China, Taiwan ad as anti-cancer drugs. WG3 suppresses tumor angiogenesis, prevents the adhesion, invasion and metastasis of tumor cells. It was also found that chemotherapy with the addition of RH2 is 60% more effective than chemotherapy alone. RH2 also shown promise for alleviating the negative effects of chemotherapy such as hair loss, nausea, anemia and poor appetite.

I WG3 and RH2 are extracted from Korean red ginseng. This magical plant continues to astound scientists around the world and provide people with a living miracle.

More aboutDoes Ginseng Cure Cancer?

Complete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

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Prostate cancer alternative treatments is defined as a group of unique approaches to cancer treatment not considered a conventional treatment of prostate cancer, and is used in conventional cancer treatment.

Prostate cancer is an assault by the male prostate weight of harmful cells. Prostate cancer is most common in the United States and the third leading cause of cases raka.American American Cancer Society estimates that one in six men will face a diagnosis of prostate cancer during his lifetime.

The types of alternative treatments for prostate cancer

Chinese medicine is one of the alternative method is used to treat prostate cancer. Also commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this holistic prostate cancer treatment is based on the old philosophical frameworks. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment programs alike are looking for imbalances between internal and external harmony within patients. There are eight branches of TCM: Tui na (massage therapy), acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese food therapy, Qigong (breathing), T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Feng Shui, a Chinese astrologija.Osam branches of Chinese medicine, as most other prostate cancer treatments, are used to relieve pain associated with the disease, as well as the cure for side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments.

herbalism or herbal medicine is holistic prostate cancer alternate treat medicinal properties of herbs and herbal extracts in the treatment center. Some of the most popular components of herbal medicine include St. John's wort, lemon juice, green tea, honey, grapefruit, black Cohash, poultices, juniper, and eucalyptus. Herbal therapy is especially highly regarded in Europe.

Alternative treatments for prostate cancer vs. conventional prostate cancer therapy

Conventional treatment of prostate cancer managed by members of the medical community, including physiotherapists, psychologists and nurses. Conventional cancer treatments are under intensive study in order to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Hormone therapy and radiation are conventional therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer. Removal of the testicles, in a surgical procedure called orchiectomy, is another traditional prostate cancer treatment. Such as chemotherapy. Cancer cells are also usually frozen as part of cryosurgery.

There are two common surgical procedures used to treat prostate cancer. They are radical prostatectomy and transurethal resection of prostate (TURP). Radical prostatectomy, surgery is usually performed after the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate. There are two types of radical prostatectomy procedures, radical retropubic and perineal resection of the prostate pristup.Transurethal be made ​​to reduce prostate swelling.

luteinizing hormone-releasing analogs and luteinizing hormone-releasing antagonists are prostate cancer medications designed to prevent the release of cancer-inducing luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone from the brain. Luteinizing altering drugs are a staple of conventional prostate cancer treatments.

is not marked by the same level of study or control, indicates the greatest difference between alternative prostate cancer treatment, and most traditional methods of curing diseases.

More aboutComplete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Fordyce Granules - Fordyce Spots on the Mouth and Lips

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

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Fordyce granules are a condition in which small white or yellowish raised areas present on the vermilion border and the inner surface of the lips. They are products of ectopic sebaceous glands that are located on the lips and mouth. Fordyce spots are small white bumps that appear on different parts of the body where sebaceous glands are. Mostly the cells of the same kinds of conditions, but there are in the mouth region. These areas can go untreated and should not cause any severe anxiety. It is considered normal, and it is believed that up to 80% of adults have these granules.

Fordyce granules are a condition in which small white or yellowish raised areas present on the vermilion border and the inner surface of the lips. They are products of ectopic sebaceous glands that are located on the lips and mouth. Fordyce spots are small white bumps that appear on different parts of the body where sebaceous glands are. Mostly the cells of the same kinds of conditions, but there are in the mouth region. These areas can go untreated and should not cause any severe anxiety. It is considered normal, and it is believed that up to 80% of adults have these granules.

Learn more about this natural.

More aboutFordyce Granules - Fordyce Spots on the Mouth and Lips

Stomatitis (Mouth Sores) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Diposting oleh writer

Inflammation of the mouth known as stomatitis. It May be caused by poor oral hygiene, burns due to hot liquids or food intake, medications, allergic reactions or infections. Although the cause of recurrent apthous stomatitis (canker sores) is not known, nutritional deficiencies are believed to play an important ulogu.Upravljanje stomatitis depends on the cause responsible for the disease.

stomatitis is also known as "Mukhpak" in Ayurvedi.Standardni Ayurvedic treatment for stomatitis that slijedi.Uvarak of triphala (three fruits), PATH (Cissampelos pareira), Manuka (dried grapes), and Jai (Jasminum auriculatum) leaves, combined with honey, used to rinse the mouth. Cold water mixed with honey, or a decoction of Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) and alum are also used as a mouthwash. Jatyadi oil, or Kamdudha mixed with a cream used for topical application to wounds. Khadiradi Uses for sucking. Mild purgation is advised. In patients who have recurrent stomatitis, blood letting is advised.

In Ayurveda, stomatitis is divided into five different types, depending on the deranged Dosha causes simptome.Mali description of each type, with a specific treatment is given below.

U "Vataja" type of stomatitis, there is severe pain, fissuring language, intolerance and cold food items. Panchlavan (five salt), and medicated oils are used for local application. Herbal remedies are useful here: Arjun (Terminalia Arjuna), Eranda (Ricinus communis), Khadira (Acacia catechu), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Tagar (Valeriana wallichii), deodar (Cedrus deodara) and Shilajit (bitumen ).

U "Pittaja" type, there is a severe burning, redness, and a bitter taste in the mouth. Induced purgation is advised in this type. Sugarcane juice, milk, grape juice and glucose water is used as a mouthwash. Dhatki (Woodfordia fruticosa) leaves are advised to be chewed. The same treatment, together with the blood letting was advised to "Raktaja" type, where all the symptoms are more pronounced.

U "Kaphaja" type, there is relatively less boli.Čirevi in the mouth are very red, and sticky. There are more than salivation, and slight itching in the affected areas. Corner (Picrorrhiza kurroa), salt and Kshars (drug caustics) are used for local application. Decoctions from Palash (Butea monosperma) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), mixed with Kshar used as a mouthwash.

The last type of stomatitis titled "Sannipataja", there is a combination of symptoms vataja, pittaja and kaphaja species. Treatment is administered in accordance with the dominant simptomima.Ayurvedski formulations containing Gorochan, KASIS, alum, Rasanjan, Mocharasa (Salmalia malabarica) and honey is used for local application.

With the above treatment, most patients have only local symptoms get cured within a few days. For cancers that are common sore, or stomatitis with very severe symptoms, more prolonged treatment is usually required. In addition, patients may require oral treatment of herbal medicines, to correct imbalances in the body.

More aboutStomatitis (Mouth Sores) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Breast Cancer Ribbon - A Symbol of Women's Hope

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 29 September 2011

In today's modern age, we find symbolism in things or events that are generally important. Pink Ribbons are the symbol of one of the very delicate state of women as breast cancer. Every October, breast cancer ribbon is seen all over the world. Men and women unite in showcasing pink symbolism that sends a message to worry about malicious intent from breast cancer and how to increase your survival rate of breast cancer. Through the pink ribbon women and concerned people around the world to become informed. It's really become a big factor in improving breast cancer survival rates of hundreds or thousands of women around the world diagnosed with the said bolesti.Roza ribbon serves as a small symbol of hope for all. It is able to create the conscious and preventive measures for all who deal with the threat of cancer.

October is international breast cancer awareness month. In the U.S. alone fourth Monday of the month of October is regulated as a pink ribbon day. During this important event, various activities are dedicated to women informed about how to increase your survival rate of breast cancer. Many fond -. Awareness programs are made during this month to dedicate the funds collected in helping women all over the world who are in dire need of support in getting through the infection of this malignancy

pink ribbon is not just a strip joint, but the symbol of cancer awareness. In that wearing the ribbon, can send a statement to others that breast cancer is a disease that can cause death if ignored. This is the main purpose why people should wear a ribbon and send a message to everyone who sees it. One must have the courage to address this social problem if you are a man or woman. Various celebrities, male or female, seen engaging in this social problem of breast cancer awareness.

We need to keep in mind that our pink ribbon breast cancer is a show that sends a message to remind women, young and old about the dangers of one of the leading causes of death for women. This is a reminder that we must have in order to take the necessary measures to have a check and preventive measures for as soon as possible. There is malignant breast tumors that are spreading rapidly, which serves as a major factor in breast cancer survival rate, things could have been prevented if proper information is distributed. For something a bit like wearing a pink ribbon can be much help in getting this critical information. Let us hope and pray that everyone will find in your heart to share some initiatives to help other people to be aware of this dreaded disease.

More aboutBreast Cancer Ribbon - A Symbol of Women's Hope

Natural Cancer Treatment - Avoid Cancer by What We Eat

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 28 September 2011

There are many passing references to the need to eat more vegetables to avoid cancer, but outside the urging of some members of health promotion seems to be little that is written in the lay press in any detail at all. In addition, or perhaps because of the simplistic message that is out there, many physicians still fail to recognize the importance of diet in relation to the reduction of the chances for disease to occur, but also in the care of patients who have already got cancer. They do not recognize that good nutrition is a natural cancer treatment.

Many doctors are bound by the quick action of antibiotics. They are really, really want to have anything and every drug is as effective as when antibiotics were first used. And if food can not give that kind of effect with most people then, a considerable number of them will reject the influence of food as a "really does not matter ".

, but there are many medications that are not very effective. For example, chemotherapy increases overall survival at 5-year stage, only slightly more than 2%, with it being ineffective in many cancers, despite the ongoing use. With this in mind, it is "natural" activity without negative side effects should be embraced with open arms.

There are many foods that have been shown in epidemiological studies to reduce the chances of getting cancer by 25%, 50%, 75%, and sometimes even more when comparing high consumption to low consumption groups.

there are foods that seems to prevent cells from mutating into cancer cells. There are foods that stimulate cell mutation die. There are foods that stop cancer cells from growing and reduce the growth rate and foods that stop cancer cells from body movement. In the words of biomedical foods can be an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, stimulation of apoptosis, cytotoxic, with antimetastatic effect. Of course, not all fruits and vegetables, all these effects, but enough to be useful.

So, what are the most important vegetables and fruits? I'd like to go for election and not get hung up on just one or two they think will be enough. Plants act synergistically. That is, they work better when you eat of them together.

Having said that, the onion family have been informed that some of the strongest effects in preventing cancer. As I trawled through the medical literature there has been tremendous interest in the tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables, but when I compared the numbers in the studies seemed to onions, garlic and others in the Allium family (such as leeks and chives) is the highest efficiency.

tomatoes are good, and so are the cruciferous vegetables - cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, arugula, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, collards, garden cress, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, Swiss chard and beets.

lettuce, carrots, summer and winter squash, oranges, lemons, blueberries, dark raspberry, grape, cucurmin (curry of fame) and herbs (like oregano, rosemary and thyme), all have been shown to improve immune function and are associated with a reduced number of cases of cancer in epidemiological studies.

So what does this mean in practice? Ideally, fresh fruit and vegetables should be part of every meal. If you can not do three meals a day and then settle for fruit and vegetables occupies three quarters of its board to two meals a day.

It's about eating - it's not a cure, except that these foods do you good. It is important to choose foods that you enjoy. I really do not like raisins or pepper. I do not do a good Indian food, so you do not eat very often. I was raised in northern European food and really enjoy these fruits and vegetables eaten my family for generations. So, start eating fruits and vegetables that you enjoy, then go for a little variety and try some of which are new to you.

If you are associated with fried potato chips, hamburgers and packets of food it might take a little getting used to three quarters your plate with fresh vegetables (cooked and raw) with fruit for dessert, but give it a go. This could take several weeks for your body to develop enzymes necessary to digest his new diet, but when did this happen your body will love you for this change. And as a natural cancer treatment is mild and does not cost more than other types of food.

More aboutNatural Cancer Treatment - Avoid Cancer by What We Eat

The Benefits of Chinese Herbs For Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 27 September 2011

Some people think cancer can be effectively fight for Chinese herbal medicine. However, it is crucial for people to understand that cancer is something that herbal medicine can do. It's easy to find websites that promote a certain herbal medicine as a cure for cancer, but these claims are confirmed, a little herbologists ever stand by such statements. However, by using Chinese herbs for cancer is considered to be useful in combination with the normal treatment of cancer, although it will not cure the disease. This is because patients who use it as that used in many ways.

Patients who suffer from side effects associated with chemotherapy and / or radiation treatments can be used herbal medicine to reduce these symptoms. Patients often experience side effects May include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea along with indigestion. While undergoing cancer treatment, some patients find that herbal remedies to help with the negative side effects.

When a person is going through chemotherapy and radiation therapy, their immune system is at risk due to treatment not only killing harmful cells, but also good stanice.Tijela capacity in the fight against cancer may be increased use of drugs of plant origin. As a result, the body can effectively deal with the maladies, and the treatment of cancer are in progress. How to make an example of Chinese herbs for cancer have been correlated with a low probability of complications from pneumonia and other diseases.

In recent years, there has been more research done to measure the effectiveness of different plants to cancer. In laboratory settings, some studies have shown that certain plants can inhibit the growth of tumors in the body. Clearly, this does not prove that herbal remedies cure cancer. On the other hand, seems to show that a combination of conventional medicine and herbal treatment can be effective for patients. Other studies show that herbal remedies can keep some kinds of cancer ponavljajućih.Većina scientist wants to see more research done before the results of the use of Chinese herbs for cancer called final.

herbal medicine used in the Eastern world for thousands of years and still thinks that the main drug in most countries of the Far East. These days, the partnership created between this method and conventional medicine is helping to create a much more well-rounded way of dealing with people. The use of herbal treatments in combination with exercise and good eating habits will enhance this type of therapy. Depending on the problem, acupuncture is also included in this traditional drug therapies.

More aboutThe Benefits of Chinese Herbs For Cancer

Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments - Are They For Real?

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 26 September 2011

First of all, it is important to define what alternative treatments for breast cancer as compared to free treatment, because the man ... There is a lot of confusion out there!

Free treatment is something to do with conventional treatments. They can help people cope with the disease, its treatment or side effects, rather than treat the disease sama.Primjer complementary therapies used meditation to help with stress or anxiety during radiation therapy. Massage, therapeutic touch aromatherapy, and other examples. Alternative therapies are used instead of conventional treatments uopce.Primjer alternative therapy uses a special diet to treat cancer instead of undergoing chemotherapy or another conventional treatment.

There are many examples of alternative therapies, such as traditional Chinese medicines. acupuncture, acupressure, herbal remedies and special nutritional or diet therapy. Special nutritional or diet therapy is the most popular and proven results.

Consider the numerous doctors who have turned to alternative cancer treatments, to treat their cancer. There are many can be found on the Internet.

Your body is designed to treat. For example ... If you cut your hands - it will heal automatically, unless you deliberately put dirt in it, or you keep picking it open, or if your immune system is severely suppressed by the manner in which they were eating and living result in some very serious disease that causes delay treatment. If you smash your thumb with a hammer, it will eventually heal, but if they broke the same thumb with a hammer - EVERY DAY

The point is that your body will heal, but if you keep him injury.

, but most people do not realize that the "injury" to your body every day on the way to live and eat. When we eat wrong and live wrong, these little daily "injuries" will result in illness of one type or another. Unfortunately, doctors only learn how to treat the symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of the disease itself. Why? Because they never learn the causes of disease.

Doctors give drugs - all of which have side effects - and all that harm the body! The drugs only mask the symptoms.

the only way to be good and still good, is to stop doing things that cause the disease and begin to do things that can rebuild the immune system, the only system in your body that can get you well and good! And, of course, is tantamount to giving our body needs healthy food to our immune system strong double. This is what we mean by alternative treatments for breast cancer.

Oh approved ... Many doctors will tell you that a lot of crap. Really ... Then how do you refute what others have already done so, including the right doctors.

Let's face it, medicine is big business - a multi-billion dollar business. But getting a good natural method is expensive - and do not require medical attention. This can be done at home - without drugs! I really do not get a good addressing the root causes of disease, rather than hiding the symptoms. Drugs allow you to feel better, at least temporarily, but the disease is actually worse! Drugs do not cure their illness!

chances of getting a good bargain for the natural method does not sit well with the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Their goal, instead, is for you to feel helpless and hopeless when you are sick, so you'll have to rely on expensive doctors and costly, harmful drugs!

, but you get sick or stay sick! Diseases, including cancer are curable after stop doing things that cause them. Alternative treatments for breast cancer are for real, and the way to go!

More aboutAlternative Breast Cancer Treatments - Are They For Real?

Natural Cancer Treatment - Spontaneous Remission Or Something Else?

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 25 September 2011

Spontaneous remission has been known about for centuries. The unexpected recovery, when she expects to die in the past considered a miracle, and many praised God for intervenciju.Velika most doctors now consider spontaneous remission, or regression as a peculiarity that can be ignored because it is outside their explanatory models. Some deny the existence of spontaneous remission and regression, preferring to argue that the diagnosis was wrong in the first place.

This is all very sad, especially for those seeking a miracle remission or regression of the terminal illness. They said rather than face reality and come to terms with the fact that his time left on earth is limited and they must deal with death sooner rather than later.

There is very little systematic research done to explore what is different in cases of spontaneous remission, or regression (to the regression of tumors, forgiveness, and for other conditions such as leukemia). Strictly speaking, any time of the tumor reduced in size without treatment, spontaneous regression, however, the name usually has only been reported in medical literature, when the regression is a "dramatic and long'.

paper published in 1990 listed 44 types of cancer, where reports of spontaneous regression, but then it was little known about possible biological mechanisms behind the phenomenon. There have been suggestions that these regressions and remissions were rare and that those who are ill should not get their hopes as such incidents can not learn from, or duplicated.

, however, suggest researchers in Norway, in 2008, that breast cancer remission were not rare at all. Their research shows that about 20% of breast cancer to return to the point of disappearing, and so did not need treatment. This is a huge impact.

We are not talking about one person here or there. For thousands of people. One thing must be acknowledged. If it is physiologically possible for a regression that happens to be physiologically possible for others to the same thing happens. This study suggests that the regression is so common that "normal". This suggests that the body's way of dealing with the disease.

Most researchers are interested in what happens in a cell within the cellular mechanisms that trigger such a regression. However, most patients are more interested in what they can do that might help the regressions occur. If you take any herbal remedy, or what?

"or that it" is well pitanje.Promjenu in what you are doing can cause changes in hormones and the immune system. Positive changes can be increased exercise, which is meditation, sun exposure (and increased vitamin D3), or by changing the diet to increase fruit and vegetables and reduce the prepared foods and sugar. Think about these changes as only a beginning, not the whole answer. If it is as simple as these few changes, then people must take serious treatments are brought up to date.

is not possible to list all you can do that may help the immune system to deal with the cancer itself in a short article, but do not be reassured that the rational and reasonable that the hopes high. Much research has been done which indicates that the unreasonable and irrational hope of longevity lead to longer lives than those who are rational in a reasonable estimate of time they have left. So hope for the future health of the high and stay focused on enjoying each day as possible given your personal circumstances.

More aboutNatural Cancer Treatment - Spontaneous Remission Or Something Else?

Five Celebrity Women That Coped With Breast Cancer

Diposting oleh writer

celebrities and ordinary people suffer from cancer dojke.Jedina difference is that celebrities have the power and money to get the latest and best treatment. Not to mention that the funds were to try alternative medicine. So let's look at famous women and how they coped with the fight against breast cancer.

celebrities and ordinary people suffer from cancer dojke.Jedina difference is that celebrities have the power and money to get the latest and best treatment. Not to mention that the funds were to try alternative medicine. So let's look at famous women and how they coped with the fight against breast cancer.


Cynthia Nixon: The star of the show Sex and the City did not want to reveal the fact that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. While she was undergoing treatment did not have to tell the press or to disclose to the public, because she did not want to deal with the paparazzi while she had her treatment. She underwent lumpectomy and radiation therapy regularly. Nixon was not the first in their families must cope with breast cancer is also the mother fought breast cancer, as well. After Nixon went through all her treatments has decided that she could help other women cope and be an inspiration to women around the world. Nixon is now an ambassador for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure.


Sheryl Crow: Crow has gone in for a routine mammogram revealed calcifications and in both of her breasts. When she learned what she struggles put her career on hold and immediately to surgery to remove lumps and went to the intense radiation. While it does its radiation is also not acupuncture to relieve some of the pain and drank tea. After her treatments were done she went and asked Congress to fund a project that is seeking possible links between breast cancer and environmental factors.


Kylie Minogue: Kylie went for a routine examination and was diagnosed, they said it was okay, but she was not convinced and went back to have a second opinion and found a lump on the right breast. She then had a partial mastectomy, radiation and intense round of chemotherapy. She is now saying that all women should follow their instincts over what they hear from the doctor.

Elizabeth Edwards: Edwards is the former wife of John Edwards, who was a presidential candidate. He had a mammogram in four years, until she discovered a large lump on the right breast, and when she went in to have it checked, it turned out to be cancerous. When he went through surgery and chemotherapy with radiation, to her doctors thought it was cancer free until they discovered that the cancer had spread to her ribs, hips and lungs, she lost her battle with cancer in 2010.

taking a look at how celebrities cope with breast cancer is really no different than how ordinary people nose.Jedina significant difference is that they have power and money to other women deal with the same disease.

More aboutFive Celebrity Women That Coped With Breast Cancer

Know More About Prostate Cancer - Be Aware of the Prostate Cancer Signs

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. More and more people today suffer from this disease, and one of the common type of cancer is prostate cancer, and prevalent among men. This is a problem among men today, knowledge and understanding of prostate cancer signs will help you to make countermeasures to prevent.

This type of cancer is a condition in which there is uncontrolled growth of cells in the prostate. The prostate gland is a gland in the male body that is responsible for storage and secretion of alkaline fluid contained in semen during ejaculation. Basically, the gland plays an important role in reproductive processes in tijelu.Rast cancer cells depends on a hormone called testosterone is produced in the testes in men. Cancer is then a very serious condition of the body and can be life-threatening, and, if not prevented.

experts can not determine what exactly causes this type of cancer, but they believe that family history has something to do with it. Having someone in the family who has or died from prostate cancer, the possibility of men in the family getting prostate cancer is higher than in those without a family history of it. This then is the best for these people to consult a doctor especially when they have already in their 40-Since the development around this time.

Men really should not depend on the obvious signs of prostate cancer as early signs of prostate cancer are not visible and prevalent in the body. It is usually difficult to diagnose because there is no true signs indicated raka.Rak prostate signs manifest at a later stage of disease and signs of cancer are weak or uninterrupted flow of urine, erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, blood in urine or semen. When cancer is becoming a serious, severe lower back pain can be felt, because cancer cells have already affected the spinal cord to the body and hip bone.

Cancer cells develop depending on the processes in the body that usually affects the type of diet that one follows, as well as the physical activity of people. If the cancer cells spread through the gland, it is difficult to penetrate and affect the bones and the lymph nodes. It is noted that for men with prostate cancer can not only remain in the gland, but it can also spread to other parts of the body. Thus, complications may occur will be the cause of premature death in people.

More aboutKnow More About Prostate Cancer - Be Aware of the Prostate Cancer Signs

The Best Common Therapy For the Prostate Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 22 September 2011

in the hormonal therapy, it is used to relieve or control treatment or cure for cancer right name. Prostate cancer is known for its androgen dependent and it may be prohibited by androgen removal.

Hormonal healing is proposed for this cancer to refrain from androgen motivation for reducing space for the plasma to flow through all phases of man's testosterone is linked or connected dihidrotestosteron.Pro-static epithelium is the effect then diminishes, and the effect was done by taking off a man by the testicles or procedure called orchiectomy after surgery.

Moreover, estrogen treatment or diethlystibestrol is another way to use the extended procedure to control gonadotropin responsible for the actions and work within the testicular androgen, therefore, the expression of hormones that support an increase maligni.Rekao the treatment reduces the signs of , reduces pain and reduces the size of the nodes and enlargement of the tumor, and it gives a good result intricate cancer.

diethylstilbestrol has the ability to increase more the risk of myocardial injury, pulmonary thromboembolism, or even strokes as well as its negative effects include the inability and difficulties to achieve orgasm, and reduced sperm production. It also breaks down the libido, and breast was then in the form of gynecomastia (abnormal increase in the breast). Acetate, cyproterone (non-natural progesterone), is used to supply competitive and useful book of androgen to cells. Unlike estrogen, hormone therapy has only a low rate of bad effects on the cardiovascular system.

Cryosurgery is done to minimize the pain a patient who has been involved in this cancer more ponovno.Materijala (Transperineal probe) is a pop uu prostate using ultrasound to do to stop the targeted tissue.

The second set of Tele-therapy treatment, holding at least about 6-7 weeks of radiation every day. Interstitial seed implant was also done in anesthesia approximately 80 to 100 seeds are placed inside it, which includes ultrasound as a guide for it. Thereafter, the patients prior to treatment at home after the procedure is učinjeno.Zračenje purpose is to protect the guided standard that includes unnecessary urine in the beginning through the use of contraceptive condom in every sexual contact did.

As a result, a negative going over it, and the rectum is swelling due to its proximity between urination and the amount of radiation. Irritation inside the bladder and the urethra and bladder from the radiation treatment may eventually result in painful urination while ejaculating in until it stops or collapse. There are other protection of sexual power, even if the radiation treatment or surgical procedure performed.

More aboutThe Best Common Therapy For the Prostate Cancer

Esophageal Cancer - Alternative Treatments

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 21 September 2011

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esophageal cancer alternative treatments are often provided to patients during the traditional or conventional treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery and so on to reduce side effects, improving the quality of life and strengthening the patient's body. Alternative treatments compliment traditional treatment methods that are known as a component of treatment.

Some of the popular alternative or complementary treatments provided for esophageal cancer patients pain, mind body medicine, physical therapy, nutritional therapy, naturopathic medicine, spiritual support and image enhancement.

Nutritional therapy is a very important alternative treatment for esophageal cancer patients as cancer consume the nutrients present in the body and leads to weight loss. The cancer can also create a negative impact on the digestion of food and their appetite to patients should be assessed for their nutritional needs, and customized nutrition plans should ensure that patients in order to prevent them from severe malnutrition. Patient's blood is analyzed to determine its protein stores and immunocompetence.

Nutritional talk helps in knowing the patient's food preferences, appetite, digestion and the capacity of all dominated by the potential complications. Diet and nutrition profile of anthropometrics to measure fat and muscle loss are determined. Therefore, patients with cancer of the esophagus provide mineral and vitamin supplements that are present in the diet and to strengthen the immunity of the body. Some of the important nutrients that are supplemented with vitamin E, EPA eicosapentaenoic acid, vitamin C, selenium and beta carotene.

pain focuses on pain caused by cancer of the esophagus. Pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain is caused by damage to tissues and can be for a limited period, while chronic pain persisted for several months, and can cause anxiety, insomnia and depression. Assessment of pain may be based at the site of pain, intensity, observed behavior, the effects of pain, psychosocial variables, risk factors affecting their development and so on. Pain or pain control or change in perception about suffering.

pharmacological approach involves the use of analgesics or other drugs, rather than pharmacological approaches include radiation, surgery, behavioral techniques, neurosurgical and neurological surgery, psychosocial interventions and traditional care. Neuropathic medicine is another effective alternative treatment for cancer of the esophagus that can help maintain physical strength, well being and reduce side effects caused by esophageal cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and so on.

esophageal cancer alternative treatments such as spiritual support includes various aspects of religion, faith and healing through prayer, contemplation and reading.

Natural Remedies:

There are some natural remedies that offer a promising drug for cancer of the esophagus. Along with natural remedies and well researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a big difference in your efforts to prolong life for several years. You can increase your chances of survival for esophageal cancer are now trying to prove these natural remedies discussed

More aboutEsophageal Cancer - Alternative Treatments

Definition of Holistic

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 19 September 2011

definition of holistic refers to the entire system, not a particle of pieces. When treating a person, mind, body and emotions aspects are concerned. Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD explains in his book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, Creating physical and mental health and treatment so that we can heal the body by means of dealing with our past, anxiety, anger, stress and related to our current emotional condition. Treating the mind and body simultaneously is important for the welfare of our bodies.

How can we define and apply a holistic system in our lives?

A human being is a complex soul. Diseases such as cancer can be treated holistically. Um rules eighty percent of the body. When a person is upset or depressed, toxic chemicals are produced in the body, causing a person's immune system to go down. Cancer patient's immune system is less than the average person, which is susceptible to infection and disease.

Dr. Christiane Northrup states in his book "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing", to "think are attractive, nurturing, and love makes a healthy biochemistry and healthy cells, and the thoughts that are destructive for themselves or others, not only against ."

What are the things that cause anxiety?

    emotional stress: work, family problems, divorce, financial security, crime, bills, death, peer pressure, disease, poverty and segregation. Environment: air pollution and water contamination

If any of the above were eliminated, diseases such as cancer are less seen in our lives? I believe the answer is yes. Our biochemistry affects too much pain and environmental causes in our lives.

, however, a holistic approach to treating the entire body, using herbal remedies, organic whole products, mind and body relaxation, relieving stress and anger, dealing with their feelings, and the production of healthy cells are better alternatives.

More aboutDefinition of Holistic

Cancer Treatments Help Put Cancer Into Remission

Diposting oleh writer

Cancer is a disease that affects many individuals. The disease affects children and adults. The disease affects men and women. It kills many individuals each year. However, it also goes into remission for many individuals every year

This disease affects a person cells. The normal function of cells and die when they become unhealthy. New healthy cells do when they get older cells die. However, the cancer causing cells to become abnormal and nezdravo.Abnormalne and unhealthy cells are still reproducing and dying. Abnormal cells do not have anywhere to go, therefore, abnormal cells often form tumora.Osoba can have a benign tumor does not contain tumor.Benigni karcinom.Maligni tumor contains cancer.

person who is a malignant tumor and abnormal cancer cells are often not experience any symptoms. Cancer is often found by chance during a routine physical examination. When the cancer is detected early during the onset of the disease is often curable.


treatments aimed at killing cancer cells are abnormal and are also aimed at destroying cancerous tumors. Cancer treatments are also aimed at preventing the spread of the disease. Treatments are thought to operate when the spread of the disease or cause a person's cancer go into remission. Remission is when the person who suffered from cancer is no more abnormal cells in the body. When a person enters into remission it usually will not develop cancer in the area again.

types of treatment

chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, biological therapy and surgery are some of the most common types of cancer treatments. There are also other types of disease. One type of treatment for cancer is called alternative treatments, and it does not involve the use of harsh drugs to treat cancer.

More aboutCancer Treatments Help Put Cancer Into Remission

Natural Cancer Treatment - The Real Causes of Cancer and How to Prevent Or Cure it For Life

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 14 September 2011

Srećom uz nastup na internetu ljudi su sada u mogućnosti učiniti svoje istraživanje i pronaći mnoštvo informacija o prirodne metode liječenja raka. Iako puno ljudi još uvijek će odbaciti to zbog njihove pre-uređaj mnogo više se počinju da se probudite do istine. To ima smisla kad razmišljam o tome da jede zdravu prehranu, uzimanje više vježbanja, izbjegavanje prerađene hrane i otrovnih proizvoda za osobnu njegu će učiniti više kako bi se spriječilo i liječiti rak od crpne svoje tijelo s opterećenjem od zračenja i otrovne kemikalije!


Srećom uz nastup na internetu ljudi su sada u mogućnosti učiniti svoje istraživanje i pronaći mnoštvo informacija o prirodne metode liječenja raka. Iako puno ljudi još uvijek će odbaciti to zbog njihove pre-uređaj mnogo više se počinju da se probudite do istine. To ima smisla kad razmišljam o tome da jede zdravu prehranu, uzimanje više vježbanja, izbjegavanje prerađene hrane i otrovnih proizvoda za osobnu njegu će učiniti više kako bi se spriječilo i liječiti rak od crpne svoje tijelo s opterećenjem od zračenja i otrovne kemikalije!


In the 1970s when I was a kid I read a magazine article about the health of the woman who was riddled with cancer and had only received a few months to live her doctors. She then went on to treat themselves with a natural cancer treatment that included changing her diet. It is mainly consisted of eating fruit that detoxified your body, and gradually her tumors are replaced with healthy cells. It stuck with me in case I have ever been diagnosed with cancer.

So why do 30 years on the doctors do not advocate a natural cancer cures for their patients? Cancer research charities and pharmaceutical companies are extremely profitable and a doctor or May not be knowledgeable about alternative treatments or allowed them to suggest to their medical boards. Since these organizations are so large that they have money and power to reject natural remedies like hocus pocus. Anyway there is no profit for them if they tell us to eat healthily and take more exercise! They are very influential in the media and with governments, but we must start taking responsibility for themselves and stop them confidence.

Fortunately with the advent of the Internet, people are now able to do your research and find a wealth of information on natural cancer treatment. Although many people will still reject it because of their pre-conditioning a lot more are starting to wake up to the truth. It makes sense when thinking about eating a healthy diet, taking more exercise, avoid processed foods and toxic personal care products will do more to prevent and treat cancer by pumping your body with a load of radiation and toxic chemicals!

Fortunately with the advent of the Internet, people are now able to do your research and find a wealth of information on natural cancer treatment. Although many people will still reject it because of their pre-conditioning a lot more are starting to wake up to the truth. It makes sense when thinking about eating a healthy diet, taking more exercise, avoid processed foods and toxic personal care products will do more to prevent and treat cancer by pumping your body with a load of radiation and toxic chemicals!

More aboutNatural Cancer Treatment - The Real Causes of Cancer and How to Prevent Or Cure it For Life

Natural Cancer Treatment - Sunlight For Melatonin

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 13 September 2011

Day and night are the natural rhythm of life. For millennia before electric light was developed people had to live in a largely natural cycles of light and dark. It is expected, therefore, that the human body has used this cycle to promote health and to vary too far from them would have negative consequences. It seems to be the case. Sleep disorders, depression and even aging and cancer are some of the conditions that have affected the poor 'hygiene light ".

Every person has a master biological clock that regulates the production and release of melatonin from the pineal gland. Melatonin helps us sleep and is produced at night than during day time. It also has two very important roles. Melatonin is a part of the serotonin times - this is one of the "feel-good" hormones, and deficiency is known to contribute to depression and seasonal affective disorder. Melatonin also contributes to the good functioning of the immune system and is recognized role in controlling at least some forms of cancer and reducing the impact of aging.

Melatonin is a particularly strong antioxidant, reduces the cancer's ability to grow and stimulate the immune system to increase its ability to deal with cancer and infection. This was the subject of a wide range of animal and human research with knowledge of its usefulness in inhibiting cancer that reaches more than 30 years.

So you can see that it is highly desirable to hormones. Unfortunately, modern society is not good, "the light of hygiene," which encourages significant production of melatonin -. In fact, quite the opposite

culture in the Western world it is considered socially desirable for a person who likes to party well into the night, but that the person who enjoys getting up at dawn. Today it is much more common for city people spend most of their workday indoors, no matter what time of year. Heating in winter and air conditioning in the summer also contribute to our indoor lives.

We also have a medically induced fear of exposure to the sun, because the risk of skin cancer. We are strongly encouraged to stay out of the sun. [But this in mind that far more people die from low vitamin D causes cancer and heart disease than ever dies from skin cancer. We get most of our vitamin D from the sun .]

In addition to the social desirability of staying indoors a lot of people routinely wear dark glasses when going out in the sun, which prevents the eyes from getting a strong dose of light we need to increase the production of melatonin during the night.

Maybe it's time to rethink our lives. Here we have a natural treatment for cancer, depression and aging - the one that the body produces on its own as long as you provide the raw ingredients -. And most of us do not know about it

Our body needs a regular bright light. Even in winter the light of those places closer to the poles often have more light than you carry in yourself. Our body also needs regular darkness, deep darkness of the kind that occurs when there is no moon.

Our bodies do not learn to adapt to the environment in which we live, but it seems that adaptation is possible only to a point.

It might be useful to leave in the middle on a regular basis to get some bright sunlight in order to increase levels of melatonin and vitamin D (vitamin D is another natural anti-tumor agent). Consider also going to sleep earlier in the evening and waking up at dawn -. Nature and natural cycles can have significant health benefits

More aboutNatural Cancer Treatment - Sunlight For Melatonin

Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment - Ayurvedic Medicine For Breast Cancer

Diposting oleh writer

Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Breast cancer forms in breast tissue. It is usually formed in the channels. This can be detected using mammography or through self-examination. It is recommended that these tests should be done regularly so that early detection can be. With early detection, advances in treatment and therapy, survival rates have increased greatly. Symptoms include a lump in the breast, nipple discharge, or a noticeable change in size or shape of the breast. Some of the factors that contribute to this type of the genes, age, or even a family history of disease.

There are many alternative approaches for solving this type of cancer. For example, homeopathy, the use of supplements, acupuncture, massage or the use of herbs. Ayurveda is also one of those alternatives. This type of treatment comes from India, but is also used and accepted worldwide as a form of complementary and alternative medicine. It is used to get about faster response and reduce side effects of conventional medications. It also helps to prevent recurrence and prolong survival. These drugs are also used to prevent disease, to protect and to cure chronic diseases in the body. In addition, they are used to correct immune disorders in the body.

In most cases, people usually go through conventional methods to obtain the forecast before treatment can be diagnosed. However, in cases where traditional Ayurveda is still practiced, the patient's questions. To answer these questions, all five senses must be koristiti.Prognoza then made ​​the necessary formulation for the treatment given. Today, most patients prefer to undergo conventional methods of diagnosis. They then combine conventional medicine along with alternative medicine, ayurveda.

While taking Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of breast cancer or any cancer, you always see your oncologist for check-ups. Recipes for Ayurveda treatments are made using seven metals and medicinal bilja.Bilja used include gold, silver, zinc, tin, lead, copper and iron. However, cases of poisoning have been reported over time. This often occurs when some of the formulations are prepared with excess amounts of water, above the prescribed standards. Other reported cases were deaths due to delay use of conventional medicines, because of the belief in alternative medicine. In addition, it is important to seek advice from a doctor before you treat yourself.

More aboutAlternative Breast Cancer Treatment - Ayurvedic Medicine For Breast Cancer

How Effective Are Natural Cures For Prostate Cancer And What Are Some Popular Treatments?

Diposting oleh writer

natural treatment for prostate cancer often consist of several treatments, including herbal remedies, natural vitamins, minerals or food supplements. Other treatments include massage, acupuncture, homeopathy and magnet therapy.

Most natural treatments used in conjunction with the treatment plan, they are not intended as a complete cure for prostate cancer. The effectiveness of natural medicines in the debate, many patients claim that these treatments are beneficial for them, and many doctors argue that they are not much use, and cause patients to have false hopes. They also claim that natural medicines may interfere with regular treatments in prostate cancer patients.

Homeopathy is a well-known natural therapy that works on the principal that substances that can make normal people sick and may have the opposite effect on patients who are already sick, if doses of substances are very small.

There are also studies conducted for the usefulness of magnetic therapy to the treatment of prostate cancer. It is believed that the north pole of the magnet may help in slowing tumor growth. Patients being treated with magnetic therapy is sitting on a pad containing magnets.

Acupuncture and massage is often recommended for prostate cancer sufferers as well as free treatment. Proper massage the patient feel more relaxed and able to cope better with stress. Massage and acupuncture are widely known as a free treatment, rather than an alternative medication for sufferers. Doctors often suggest that patients use these treatments to help them cope with their situation.

natural cures for prostate cancer is still being discussed between the physician and natural therapy professionals, in relation to their efficiency and ability to cure prostate cancer. If the patient is interested in learning more about natural therapies and remedies, a good place to start is to consult with a doctor who treated them and discuss the treatment, including the advantages and disadvantages of using these treatments in combination with the normal treatment programs.

It is important that patients be sure to tell your doctor about any natural remedies or treatments that are thought to use before they start. Even herbal remedies can have a reaction to some treatments that are already used to treat prostate cancer.

More aboutHow Effective Are Natural Cures For Prostate Cancer And What Are Some Popular Treatments?

Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment - Ayurvedic Medicine For Breast Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 12 September 2011

Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Breast cancer forms in breast tissue. It is usually formed in the channels. This can be detected using mammography or through self-examination. It is recommended that these tests should be done regularly so that early detection can be. With early detection, advances in treatment and therapy, survival rates have increased greatly. Symptoms include a lump in the breast, nipple discharge, or a noticeable change in size or shape of the breast. Some of the factors that contribute to this type of the genes, age, or even a family history of disease.

There are many alternative approaches for solving this type of cancer. For example, homeopathy, the use of supplements, acupuncture, massage or the use of herbs. Ayurveda is also one of those alternatives. This type of treatment comes from India, but is also used and accepted worldwide as a form of complementary and alternative medicine. It is used to get about faster response and reduce side effects of conventional medications. It also helps to prevent recurrence and prolong survival. These drugs are also used to prevent disease, to protect and to cure chronic diseases in the body. In addition, they are used to correct immune disorders in the body.

In most cases, people usually go through conventional methods to obtain the forecast before treatment can be diagnosed. However, in cases where traditional Ayurveda is still practiced, the patient's questions. To answer these questions, all five senses must be koristiti.Prognoza then made ​​the necessary formulation for the treatment given. Today, most patients prefer to undergo conventional methods of diagnosis. They then combine conventional medicine along with alternative medicine, ayurveda.

While taking Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of breast cancer or any cancer, you always see your oncologist for check-ups. Recipes for Ayurveda treatments are made using seven metals and medicinal bilja.Bilja used include gold, silver, zinc, tin, lead, copper and iron. However, cases of poisoning have been reported over time. This often occurs when some of the formulations are prepared with excess amounts of water, above the prescribed standards. Other reported cases were deaths due to delay use of conventional medicines, because of the belief in alternative medicine. In addition, it is important to seek advice from a doctor before you treat yourself.

More aboutAlternative Breast Cancer Treatment - Ayurvedic Medicine For Breast Cancer

More About Natural Cancer Cures

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

ask just about any teenager or adult, and they will be able to tell you that conventional cancer treatments are available and in use today - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. But how many people are aware that natural cancer remedies even exist? And if a person has heard of natural cancer treatments, can give examples? Probably not.

There are hundreds of natural treatments available today, including many who have very successfully for several decades. In most cases, treatment is often used in other countries, but not in the U.S. u.Glavni reason for this is the FDA does not allow U.S. doctors to prescribe any treatment of cancer, but surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. American doctors can lose their license to practice medicine and be tried, and imprisonment if they recommend alternative treatments to their patients.

natural cancer treatments can be broadly categorized as a treatment you administer to, the treatments must be administered by physicians, and treatments that must be applied in specialized clinics. One interesting thing about all the different treatments, in almost every case you will be told to immediately start improving your diet. This is because cancer is the failure of the immune system so that the number one priority of all natural therapy is to improve the immune system. And above all, improving your diet, adding lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting out junk food, sugar and sodas, and most packaged foods.

Something you might not know about natural cancer treatment is that it does not interfere with conventional treatments, it can do both at the same time, many people do. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are designed to kill cancer cells, but unfortunately they kill healthy cells and cancer cells. This means that healthy cells that function as part of the immune system kill, too. Since the main thrust of most natural treatments to build up your immune system so that it can fight cancer, of course, these treatments may help suppress the immune system with chemotherapy and radiation damage.

What does it mean to you? Using natural treatments with conventional treatments May keep you from hair loss or extreme nausea and vomiting often caused by chemotherapy. Many natural cancer therapies are designed to help your body defend itself and quickly repaired.

More aboutMore About Natural Cancer Cures