Alternative Cancer Cures - How to Make the Choice That's Right For You

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

the whole field of alternative cancer cures is one of the most controversial in the field of health care, due to the high share of both sides.

Imagine for a moment that is simple, common materials, available to buy a home without a prescription, and costs only pennies per day for therapeutic doses, has been proven to cure cancer. Furthermore, there are no dangerous side effects, is completely safe when taken as advised, and do not harm the body in any way.

Those who have suffered the destruction of all forms of cancer, or they sat helplessly watching a loved one slowly falls under the disease, welcomed this announcement as an answer to their prayers. Such prayers, along with a determination to end the suffering caused by cancer, have led to the formation of a multitude of fundraising organizations that increase the billions of dollars each year to fund the "war against cancer," which President Nixon declared the 1971st

However, if you believe that such a cure for cancer will also be an answer to prayer, cancer researcher, I'm afraid you'll have to think again.

As wars go, the war against cancer is a dismal failure. Philip Binzel, MD, explains in his book is alive and well, "... the time of survival of cancer patients has not been higher than it was fifty years ago." Even more disturbing is that, according to Dr. Samuel Epstein, president of the Coalition of Cancer Prevention, "Over the past few decades, the incidence of cancer has escalated to epidemic proportions, now striking nearly every two people, and more than one in every three women in their lives ."

How is that possible, given the billions of dollars spent on research per year? To answer this question, you have to consider much more than just a medical challenge to find a cure for cancer. You have to look at economics and politics of medicine.

revealing article in the Washington Post, by Devra Davis, (4 November 2007) explains that the "war on cancer remains focused on commercial fuel efforts to develop drugs and technologies that can find and treat the disease - - the amount of more than 100 billion dollars annually in the United States alone ."

There are two points here that should be considered in any discussion of alternative cancer lijekove.Prvi that the cancer research industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and if they ever succeeded in finding a cure for cancer, it would be put out of business. Not only is it highly unlikely to ever happen, but any such threat to its survival in the field of alternative medicine is likely to be met with intense resistance.

The other thing is that all this research has focused on finding "drugs and technologies", in other words, a patentable and profitable methods of treatment. It has succeeded brilliantly in this endeavor. According to the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 22, No. 17, the treatment of cancer patients diagnosed with one of seven common forms of cancer in the United States, in 2002, generated revenues of $ 60.9 billion in direct medical costs. This number is much higher today.

What is very obvious from these numbers is that cancer research and treatment of cancer have become a huge and highly profitable industry. I understand that many sincere people believe that the concern for saving lives would outweigh any commercial motives, and that was only a matter of more time, and raise more research money, prior to the approved "cure for cancer" has been found. These people are likely to remain suspicious of all alternative cancer cures, and will only put your faith in reliable medical authorities.

Some independent researchers, however, are not so convinced that the motives of the billion dollar industry completely altruistic. They point to a number of existing treatments, some receiving U.S. patents, which have been shown to cure cancer, but they rejected mainstream medical industry because they are not put through a rigorous FDA approval process.

This argument is usually presented as "There is no clinical evidence to support claims about the effectiveness of such-and-such a treatment." Of course, the clinical evidence is necessary to protect the public from dangerous and ineffective treatments. No thinking person would advocate the abolition of such request.

, however, argue that there is no clinical evidence of treatment can give the impression that the treatment has been tested and proven to be ineffective. It is also misleading and potentially harmful to the public interest because it will never be enough "clinical evidence" to support alternative treatments, for the simple reason. The cost of collecting clinical evidence necessary for FDA approval for the many millions of dollars. This investment can be recovered only treatment that can be patented and sold at high prices.

This is the "Inconvenient Truth", which explains why alternative cancer cures will never be approved by the medical profession, and is likely to be discredited, even when they are in effect. The history of this controversy dates back more than a hundred years, and contains the stories of heroic pioneers making medical research discoveries, powerful political and financial power, the mysterious death and the research that destroys fire which, for some, the evidence of conspiracy and cover-ups. There are passionate advocates on both sides of this debate, and it will never be resolved to everyone satisfaction. As a research area is rich with new paradigms of medical research and treatment, as well as the human drama and intrigue.

Most people are becoming interested in alternative cancer cures, however, when they are diagnosed with cancer, or when someone close to them. If you're in that situation and we encourage you to get as much information as you can from both perspectives, which will help you to choices that will best support your healing. There is plenty of information on alternative cancer cures and alternative health professionals, now available on the Internet. If you are ready to become your own authority you have all the resources available to you.

Even though you will never solve this heated debate all the pleasure, you will be much better informed decision about which treatments are best for you and yours. When all points of view are taken into account, it's your life that is on the line, and the right to choose.

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