Natural Cancer Treatment - Avoid Cancer by What We Eat

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 28 September 2011

There are many passing references to the need to eat more vegetables to avoid cancer, but outside the urging of some members of health promotion seems to be little that is written in the lay press in any detail at all. In addition, or perhaps because of the simplistic message that is out there, many physicians still fail to recognize the importance of diet in relation to the reduction of the chances for disease to occur, but also in the care of patients who have already got cancer. They do not recognize that good nutrition is a natural cancer treatment.

Many doctors are bound by the quick action of antibiotics. They are really, really want to have anything and every drug is as effective as when antibiotics were first used. And if food can not give that kind of effect with most people then, a considerable number of them will reject the influence of food as a "really does not matter ".

, but there are many medications that are not very effective. For example, chemotherapy increases overall survival at 5-year stage, only slightly more than 2%, with it being ineffective in many cancers, despite the ongoing use. With this in mind, it is "natural" activity without negative side effects should be embraced with open arms.

There are many foods that have been shown in epidemiological studies to reduce the chances of getting cancer by 25%, 50%, 75%, and sometimes even more when comparing high consumption to low consumption groups.

there are foods that seems to prevent cells from mutating into cancer cells. There are foods that stimulate cell mutation die. There are foods that stop cancer cells from growing and reduce the growth rate and foods that stop cancer cells from body movement. In the words of biomedical foods can be an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, stimulation of apoptosis, cytotoxic, with antimetastatic effect. Of course, not all fruits and vegetables, all these effects, but enough to be useful.

So, what are the most important vegetables and fruits? I'd like to go for election and not get hung up on just one or two they think will be enough. Plants act synergistically. That is, they work better when you eat of them together.

Having said that, the onion family have been informed that some of the strongest effects in preventing cancer. As I trawled through the medical literature there has been tremendous interest in the tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables, but when I compared the numbers in the studies seemed to onions, garlic and others in the Allium family (such as leeks and chives) is the highest efficiency.

tomatoes are good, and so are the cruciferous vegetables - cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, arugula, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, collards, garden cress, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, Swiss chard and beets.

lettuce, carrots, summer and winter squash, oranges, lemons, blueberries, dark raspberry, grape, cucurmin (curry of fame) and herbs (like oregano, rosemary and thyme), all have been shown to improve immune function and are associated with a reduced number of cases of cancer in epidemiological studies.

So what does this mean in practice? Ideally, fresh fruit and vegetables should be part of every meal. If you can not do three meals a day and then settle for fruit and vegetables occupies three quarters of its board to two meals a day.

It's about eating - it's not a cure, except that these foods do you good. It is important to choose foods that you enjoy. I really do not like raisins or pepper. I do not do a good Indian food, so you do not eat very often. I was raised in northern European food and really enjoy these fruits and vegetables eaten my family for generations. So, start eating fruits and vegetables that you enjoy, then go for a little variety and try some of which are new to you.

If you are associated with fried potato chips, hamburgers and packets of food it might take a little getting used to three quarters your plate with fresh vegetables (cooked and raw) with fruit for dessert, but give it a go. This could take several weeks for your body to develop enzymes necessary to digest his new diet, but when did this happen your body will love you for this change. And as a natural cancer treatment is mild and does not cost more than other types of food.

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