Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment - Ayurvedic Medicine For Breast Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 13 September 2011

Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Breast cancer forms in breast tissue. It is usually formed in the channels. This can be detected using mammography or through self-examination. It is recommended that these tests should be done regularly so that early detection can be. With early detection, advances in treatment and therapy, survival rates have increased greatly. Symptoms include a lump in the breast, nipple discharge, or a noticeable change in size or shape of the breast. Some of the factors that contribute to this type of the genes, age, or even a family history of disease.

There are many alternative approaches for solving this type of cancer. For example, homeopathy, the use of supplements, acupuncture, massage or the use of herbs. Ayurveda is also one of those alternatives. This type of treatment comes from India, but is also used and accepted worldwide as a form of complementary and alternative medicine. It is used to get about faster response and reduce side effects of conventional medications. It also helps to prevent recurrence and prolong survival. These drugs are also used to prevent disease, to protect and to cure chronic diseases in the body. In addition, they are used to correct immune disorders in the body.

In most cases, people usually go through conventional methods to obtain the forecast before treatment can be diagnosed. However, in cases where traditional Ayurveda is still practiced, the patient's questions. To answer these questions, all five senses must be koristiti.Prognoza then made ​​the necessary formulation for the treatment given. Today, most patients prefer to undergo conventional methods of diagnosis. They then combine conventional medicine along with alternative medicine, ayurveda.

While taking Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of breast cancer or any cancer, you always see your oncologist for check-ups. Recipes for Ayurveda treatments are made using seven metals and medicinal bilja.Bilja used include gold, silver, zinc, tin, lead, copper and iron. However, cases of poisoning have been reported over time. This often occurs when some of the formulations are prepared with excess amounts of water, above the prescribed standards. Other reported cases were deaths due to delay use of conventional medicines, because of the belief in alternative medicine. In addition, it is important to seek advice from a doctor before you treat yourself.

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