Know More About Prostate Cancer - Be Aware of the Prostate Cancer Signs

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. More and more people today suffer from this disease, and one of the common type of cancer is prostate cancer, and prevalent among men. This is a problem among men today, knowledge and understanding of prostate cancer signs will help you to make countermeasures to prevent.

This type of cancer is a condition in which there is uncontrolled growth of cells in the prostate. The prostate gland is a gland in the male body that is responsible for storage and secretion of alkaline fluid contained in semen during ejaculation. Basically, the gland plays an important role in reproductive processes in tijelu.Rast cancer cells depends on a hormone called testosterone is produced in the testes in men. Cancer is then a very serious condition of the body and can be life-threatening, and, if not prevented.

experts can not determine what exactly causes this type of cancer, but they believe that family history has something to do with it. Having someone in the family who has or died from prostate cancer, the possibility of men in the family getting prostate cancer is higher than in those without a family history of it. This then is the best for these people to consult a doctor especially when they have already in their 40-Since the development around this time.

Men really should not depend on the obvious signs of prostate cancer as early signs of prostate cancer are not visible and prevalent in the body. It is usually difficult to diagnose because there is no true signs indicated raka.Rak prostate signs manifest at a later stage of disease and signs of cancer are weak or uninterrupted flow of urine, erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, blood in urine or semen. When cancer is becoming a serious, severe lower back pain can be felt, because cancer cells have already affected the spinal cord to the body and hip bone.

Cancer cells develop depending on the processes in the body that usually affects the type of diet that one follows, as well as the physical activity of people. If the cancer cells spread through the gland, it is difficult to penetrate and affect the bones and the lymph nodes. It is noted that for men with prostate cancer can not only remain in the gland, but it can also spread to other parts of the body. Thus, complications may occur will be the cause of premature death in people.

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