The Best Common Therapy For the Prostate Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 22 September 2011

in the hormonal therapy, it is used to relieve or control treatment or cure for cancer right name. Prostate cancer is known for its androgen dependent and it may be prohibited by androgen removal.

Hormonal healing is proposed for this cancer to refrain from androgen motivation for reducing space for the plasma to flow through all phases of man's testosterone is linked or connected dihidrotestosteron.Pro-static epithelium is the effect then diminishes, and the effect was done by taking off a man by the testicles or procedure called orchiectomy after surgery.

Moreover, estrogen treatment or diethlystibestrol is another way to use the extended procedure to control gonadotropin responsible for the actions and work within the testicular androgen, therefore, the expression of hormones that support an increase maligni.Rekao the treatment reduces the signs of , reduces pain and reduces the size of the nodes and enlargement of the tumor, and it gives a good result intricate cancer.

diethylstilbestrol has the ability to increase more the risk of myocardial injury, pulmonary thromboembolism, or even strokes as well as its negative effects include the inability and difficulties to achieve orgasm, and reduced sperm production. It also breaks down the libido, and breast was then in the form of gynecomastia (abnormal increase in the breast). Acetate, cyproterone (non-natural progesterone), is used to supply competitive and useful book of androgen to cells. Unlike estrogen, hormone therapy has only a low rate of bad effects on the cardiovascular system.

Cryosurgery is done to minimize the pain a patient who has been involved in this cancer more ponovno.Materijala (Transperineal probe) is a pop uu prostate using ultrasound to do to stop the targeted tissue.

The second set of Tele-therapy treatment, holding at least about 6-7 weeks of radiation every day. Interstitial seed implant was also done in anesthesia approximately 80 to 100 seeds are placed inside it, which includes ultrasound as a guide for it. Thereafter, the patients prior to treatment at home after the procedure is učinjeno.Zračenje purpose is to protect the guided standard that includes unnecessary urine in the beginning through the use of contraceptive condom in every sexual contact did.

As a result, a negative going over it, and the rectum is swelling due to its proximity between urination and the amount of radiation. Irritation inside the bladder and the urethra and bladder from the radiation treatment may eventually result in painful urination while ejaculating in until it stops or collapse. There are other protection of sexual power, even if the radiation treatment or surgical procedure performed.

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