Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments - Are They For Real?

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 26 September 2011

First of all, it is important to define what alternative treatments for breast cancer as compared to free treatment, because the man ... There is a lot of confusion out there!

Free treatment is something to do with conventional treatments. They can help people cope with the disease, its treatment or side effects, rather than treat the disease sama.Primjer complementary therapies used meditation to help with stress or anxiety during radiation therapy. Massage, therapeutic touch aromatherapy, and other examples. Alternative therapies are used instead of conventional treatments uopce.Primjer alternative therapy uses a special diet to treat cancer instead of undergoing chemotherapy or another conventional treatment.

There are many examples of alternative therapies, such as traditional Chinese medicines. acupuncture, acupressure, herbal remedies and special nutritional or diet therapy. Special nutritional or diet therapy is the most popular and proven results.

Consider the numerous doctors who have turned to alternative cancer treatments, to treat their cancer. There are many can be found on the Internet.

Your body is designed to treat. For example ... If you cut your hands - it will heal automatically, unless you deliberately put dirt in it, or you keep picking it open, or if your immune system is severely suppressed by the manner in which they were eating and living result in some very serious disease that causes delay treatment. If you smash your thumb with a hammer, it will eventually heal, but if they broke the same thumb with a hammer - EVERY DAY

The point is that your body will heal, but if you keep him injury.

, but most people do not realize that the "injury" to your body every day on the way to live and eat. When we eat wrong and live wrong, these little daily "injuries" will result in illness of one type or another. Unfortunately, doctors only learn how to treat the symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of the disease itself. Why? Because they never learn the causes of disease.

Doctors give drugs - all of which have side effects - and all that harm the body! The drugs only mask the symptoms.

the only way to be good and still good, is to stop doing things that cause the disease and begin to do things that can rebuild the immune system, the only system in your body that can get you well and good! And, of course, is tantamount to giving our body needs healthy food to our immune system strong double. This is what we mean by alternative treatments for breast cancer.

Oh approved ... Many doctors will tell you that a lot of crap. Really ... Then how do you refute what others have already done so, including the right doctors.

Let's face it, medicine is big business - a multi-billion dollar business. But getting a good natural method is expensive - and do not require medical attention. This can be done at home - without drugs! I really do not get a good addressing the root causes of disease, rather than hiding the symptoms. Drugs allow you to feel better, at least temporarily, but the disease is actually worse! Drugs do not cure their illness!

chances of getting a good bargain for the natural method does not sit well with the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Their goal, instead, is for you to feel helpless and hopeless when you are sick, so you'll have to rely on expensive doctors and costly, harmful drugs!

, but you get sick or stay sick! Diseases, including cancer are curable after stop doing things that cause them. Alternative treatments for breast cancer are for real, and the way to go!

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