Natural Cancer Treatment - Spontaneous Remission Or Something Else?

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 25 September 2011

Spontaneous remission has been known about for centuries. The unexpected recovery, when she expects to die in the past considered a miracle, and many praised God for intervenciju.Velika most doctors now consider spontaneous remission, or regression as a peculiarity that can be ignored because it is outside their explanatory models. Some deny the existence of spontaneous remission and regression, preferring to argue that the diagnosis was wrong in the first place.

This is all very sad, especially for those seeking a miracle remission or regression of the terminal illness. They said rather than face reality and come to terms with the fact that his time left on earth is limited and they must deal with death sooner rather than later.

There is very little systematic research done to explore what is different in cases of spontaneous remission, or regression (to the regression of tumors, forgiveness, and for other conditions such as leukemia). Strictly speaking, any time of the tumor reduced in size without treatment, spontaneous regression, however, the name usually has only been reported in medical literature, when the regression is a "dramatic and long'.

paper published in 1990 listed 44 types of cancer, where reports of spontaneous regression, but then it was little known about possible biological mechanisms behind the phenomenon. There have been suggestions that these regressions and remissions were rare and that those who are ill should not get their hopes as such incidents can not learn from, or duplicated.

, however, suggest researchers in Norway, in 2008, that breast cancer remission were not rare at all. Their research shows that about 20% of breast cancer to return to the point of disappearing, and so did not need treatment. This is a huge impact.

We are not talking about one person here or there. For thousands of people. One thing must be acknowledged. If it is physiologically possible for a regression that happens to be physiologically possible for others to the same thing happens. This study suggests that the regression is so common that "normal". This suggests that the body's way of dealing with the disease.

Most researchers are interested in what happens in a cell within the cellular mechanisms that trigger such a regression. However, most patients are more interested in what they can do that might help the regressions occur. If you take any herbal remedy, or what?

"or that it" is well pitanje.Promjenu in what you are doing can cause changes in hormones and the immune system. Positive changes can be increased exercise, which is meditation, sun exposure (and increased vitamin D3), or by changing the diet to increase fruit and vegetables and reduce the prepared foods and sugar. Think about these changes as only a beginning, not the whole answer. If it is as simple as these few changes, then people must take serious treatments are brought up to date.

is not possible to list all you can do that may help the immune system to deal with the cancer itself in a short article, but do not be reassured that the rational and reasonable that the hopes high. Much research has been done which indicates that the unreasonable and irrational hope of longevity lead to longer lives than those who are rational in a reasonable estimate of time they have left. So hope for the future health of the high and stay focused on enjoying each day as possible given your personal circumstances.

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