The Most Effective, Alternative Cancer Treatment Revealed

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon declared war on cancer in the United States. All the billions spent on cancer research are left to explore new ways of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Since then, inexpensive, time-tested, natural therapies that have been used successfully for decades around the world and still ignored by conventional medical sustava.Činjenica is that, behind the scenes, millions of people worldwide are successfully treated for cancer using low-cost, natural, alternative treatment of cancer in the 1920s.

of cancer can start with just one or a few cells around the body that undergo changes and become malignant, cancerous ili.Stanice divide and proliferate, a cancer grows. Most tumors arise on the surface of tissues such as skin, the lining of the uterus, mouth, stomach, intestines, bladder, or bronchial tubes in the lungs or channels within the breast, prostate, or other sites. Eventually, they grow from microscopic to visible clump mass, and then start to invade the underlying tissue. As long as the cells remain in a mass, however, the cancer is localized.

At some later stage in a process called metastasis, some cancer cells are separated and swept into lymph channels or bloodstream to other parts of the body. They can be trapped for hours in nearby lymph nodes (stage called regional participation), but if the disease is arrested, it will quickly attack the rest of the body, with almost certainly result in death. Some types of cancer increases with speed malicious, some are dormant in comparison. Some respond to various therapies such as radiation, others do not. About half of the known types of cancer are not curable at any stage. Of the remaining half, it is obviously necessary to diagnose and treat them as early as possible.

If you are seriously considering alternative therapies to treat cancer, you should not rush yourself into any kind of drug. You should take your time, because there are a lot of information that you need to know the mistakes you must avoid. There are many natural treatments available but you must remember that they only work on the minority of people who use it properly. It also depends on the patient's body chemistry. There is the best treatment for certain types or stages of cancer.

conventional doctors do not use alternative cancer therapies. They just put themselves in legal and professional risk if they use chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and expensive droge.Presuda the doctor about what is best for you can never be imposed if the medical policy at the federal level and state level to approve it. Unfortunately, the only FDA promotes drugs and has a long record of not approving any alternative. No matter how well alternative treatments work, MD can never use these because they do not want any problems that might damage their careers.

The success of these so-called alternative cancer treatments, or overpriced by the community for cancer treatment alternatives, or underestimated by the traditional. But if you really want to treat your cancer through alternative therapies, doctors around the world have found the 6 basic types of natural alternative cancer treatments that can be used together:
1st Whole Body Detoxification
2nd Nutrition and oxygenation
3rd The immune system of the building
4th enzymatic Therapy
5th Mental and emotional counseling
6th Non-toxic, natural chemotherapy

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