Should We Treat Cancer or Prevent Cancer?

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 07 November 2011

Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the world. In America alone, 25% of all deaths related to cancer.

Many people think of cancer as a problem, but in fact it has a number of problems spread throughout the body. Generally speaking, if cancer is caught in the early stages of development, can be treated and cured.

Although there are several different types of cancer, the most common ones are lung, prostate, breast, testicular, skin and colon.

genes controlling proliferation and cell growth. If these genes are defective in the first place, and then the cells can not grow or divide properly. As a result of these abnormalities, cancer cells are born.

There are a number of factors that cause cancer. Factors that are controllable by the people are smoking, toxic elements and radiation. It can be controlled to some extent and therefore it would be wise to avoid them by changing our lifestyle. However, there are certain elements that are beyond our control.
These include mutation and inherited DNA.

As a result of research conducted by the American Cancer Society, more than 180,000 people have died as a direct result of smoking. Another 200,000 people have died due to lack of changing lifestyle habits. Obesity, laziness and malnutrition can have an effect on cancer growth. Needless to say, the cancer has risen more than 50% since 1995.

Let's look at some of these cause cancer in more detail.

Smoking: the most prevalent and easily avoidable type of cancer is one caused by the use of tobacco. This includes the use of cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Although smokers are addicted to nicotine, the fact that 200,000 people die each year due to smoking causes cancer should be enough motivation to quit. Some experts say that smoking cessation may increase life expectancy to 20 years.

Although nothing has been proven, studies have shown that stress can also be a factor in cancer. Many cancer patients have also been employed in stressful jobs. Some theologians believe that stress reduces the body's immunity to cancer.

exercise and healthy eating: a healthy diet and exercise is generally known to be beneficial in many aspects. However, not many people know that food full of nutrition can reduce the risk of cancer. Certain foods, like fruits and vegetables can prevent cancer, while fatty foods such as meat can increase the likelihood of cancer.

Skin cancer can easily be avoided just by listening to good advice. Wear sunglasses, hats, sunscreen and other delicate garments in order to avoid attacks of this type of cancer. While this May seem like common sense, more than a million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year.

In short, some cancers can be avoided. New research and studies carried out all the time. So, instead of concentrating on how to treat cancer patients, perhaps we should all be looking for more ways to prevent cancer in the first place.

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