Alternative Cancer Cures - How to Make the Choice That's Right For You

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

the whole field of alternative cancer cures is one of the most controversial in the field of health care, due to the high share of both sides.

Imagine for a moment that is simple, common materials, available to buy a home without a prescription, and costs only pennies per day for therapeutic doses, has been proven to cure cancer. Furthermore, there are no dangerous side effects, is completely safe when taken as advised, and do not harm the body in any way.

Those who have suffered the destruction of all forms of cancer, or they sat helplessly watching a loved one slowly falls under the disease, welcomed this announcement as an answer to their prayers. Such prayers, along with a determination to end the suffering caused by cancer, have led to the formation of a multitude of fundraising organizations that increase the billions of dollars each year to fund the "war against cancer," which President Nixon declared the 1971st

However, if you believe that such a cure for cancer will also be an answer to prayer, cancer researcher, I'm afraid you'll have to think again.

As wars go, the war against cancer is a dismal failure. Philip Binzel, MD, explains in his book is alive and well, "... the time of survival of cancer patients has not been higher than it was fifty years ago." Even more disturbing is that, according to Dr. Samuel Epstein, president of the Coalition of Cancer Prevention, "Over the past few decades, the incidence of cancer has escalated to epidemic proportions, now striking nearly every two people, and more than one in every three women in their lives ."

How is that possible, given the billions of dollars spent on research per year? To answer this question, you have to consider much more than just a medical challenge to find a cure for cancer. You have to look at economics and politics of medicine.

revealing article in the Washington Post, by Devra Davis, (4 November 2007) explains that the "war on cancer remains focused on commercial fuel efforts to develop drugs and technologies that can find and treat the disease - - the amount of more than 100 billion dollars annually in the United States alone ."

There are two points here that should be considered in any discussion of alternative cancer lijekove.Prvi that the cancer research industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and if they ever succeeded in finding a cure for cancer, it would be put out of business. Not only is it highly unlikely to ever happen, but any such threat to its survival in the field of alternative medicine is likely to be met with intense resistance.

The other thing is that all this research has focused on finding "drugs and technologies", in other words, a patentable and profitable methods of treatment. It has succeeded brilliantly in this endeavor. According to the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 22, No. 17, the treatment of cancer patients diagnosed with one of seven common forms of cancer in the United States, in 2002, generated revenues of $ 60.9 billion in direct medical costs. This number is much higher today.

What is very obvious from these numbers is that cancer research and treatment of cancer have become a huge and highly profitable industry. I understand that many sincere people believe that the concern for saving lives would outweigh any commercial motives, and that was only a matter of more time, and raise more research money, prior to the approved "cure for cancer" has been found. These people are likely to remain suspicious of all alternative cancer cures, and will only put your faith in reliable medical authorities.

Some independent researchers, however, are not so convinced that the motives of the billion dollar industry completely altruistic. They point to a number of existing treatments, some receiving U.S. patents, which have been shown to cure cancer, but they rejected mainstream medical industry because they are not put through a rigorous FDA approval process.

This argument is usually presented as "There is no clinical evidence to support claims about the effectiveness of such-and-such a treatment." Of course, the clinical evidence is necessary to protect the public from dangerous and ineffective treatments. No thinking person would advocate the abolition of such request.

, however, argue that there is no clinical evidence of treatment can give the impression that the treatment has been tested and proven to be ineffective. It is also misleading and potentially harmful to the public interest because it will never be enough "clinical evidence" to support alternative treatments, for the simple reason. The cost of collecting clinical evidence necessary for FDA approval for the many millions of dollars. This investment can be recovered only treatment that can be patented and sold at high prices.

This is the "Inconvenient Truth", which explains why alternative cancer cures will never be approved by the medical profession, and is likely to be discredited, even when they are in effect. The history of this controversy dates back more than a hundred years, and contains the stories of heroic pioneers making medical research discoveries, powerful political and financial power, the mysterious death and the research that destroys fire which, for some, the evidence of conspiracy and cover-ups. There are passionate advocates on both sides of this debate, and it will never be resolved to everyone satisfaction. As a research area is rich with new paradigms of medical research and treatment, as well as the human drama and intrigue.

Most people are becoming interested in alternative cancer cures, however, when they are diagnosed with cancer, or when someone close to them. If you're in that situation and we encourage you to get as much information as you can from both perspectives, which will help you to choices that will best support your healing. There is plenty of information on alternative cancer cures and alternative health professionals, now available on the Internet. If you are ready to become your own authority you have all the resources available to you.

Even though you will never solve this heated debate all the pleasure, you will be much better informed decision about which treatments are best for you and yours. When all points of view are taken into account, it's your life that is on the line, and the right to choose.

More aboutAlternative Cancer Cures - How to Make the Choice That's Right For You

Melanoma, Skin Disease and Skin Cancer Treatment - You Need to Read This

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

skin cancer such as melanoma is potentially fatal. Therefore, it is imperative that skin cancer treatment is started early. Skin cancer can take the conventional form, or it may be along the lines of alternative medicine. Cancer treatment is progressing rapidly from day to day, and new methods of treatment are in progress.

Conventional treatments for skin cancer involves a number of methods, such as:


Surgery is the oldest form of treatment of skin cancer. This treatment involves removing the tumor and some adjacent healthy tissue in order to stop the spread of cancer. For some areas on the basis of cancer physicians and surgeons have found the skin peels like the TCA skin peel is very effective (see link below for more information on TCA peels for home use ).


Chemotherapy aims to skin cancer treatment by introducing a cancer fighting drugs in the body. These drugs kill cancer cells interferes with their development and reconstruction. In order to combat the side effects of chemotherapy is molded with a new line.


Radiation therapy uses x-rays to kill cancer causing cells. This therapy can be applied to any part of the body. New radiation techniques such as external beam radiation aimed at focusing radiation on cancer cells and away from healthy tissue.


biotherapy or immunotherapy aimed at treating skin cancer by enhancing the immune system with doses of tumor vaccines, interleukin-2 or interferon-alpha. It involves fewer side effects than other methods.


of cancer is known to be sensitive to heat. Local hyperthermia is one way of treating cancer where the entire body, or an area subject to high temperatures to destroy or weaken cancer cells.

photodynamic therapy

is relatively new cancer treatment, photodynamic therapy, involves the injection of photofrin so that when cancer cells is subject to a laser beam, the drug was launched into action. This treatment is relatively painless, and involves fewer risks and side effects than other forms of treatment.

Steering clear of harsh methods of alternative forms of cancer such as:

Nutritional Therapy

Here is a cancer patient is placed on individualized diet in accordance with specific dietary preferences and requirements in order to counter the devastation wrought by the disease and treatment.


of pain trying to alleviate pain and distress either through medication, surgery or psychotherapy.


This is a "return to nature" in the field of cancer treatment, with natural therapies. Naturopathy is an herbal treatment which improves your body has the innate ability to heal itself by combining a series of processes.


Another new form of cancer treatment psychoneuroimmunology. He believes that the mind can wield enough control over the body to stimulate the healing process. Thus, this form of treatment engulfs range of nutritional and medical issues to help the physical healing and emotional and cognitive therapies such as stress management and humor sessions to strengthen the mind.

spiritual support therapy

Another popular form of skin cancer treatment is a spiritual support therapy, which takes care of the patient's spiritual well-being and exercise regimen and a massage that makes physical therapy designed to relieve stress and pain.

Skin cancer treatment is most effective when cancer is diagnosed early and the doctor moving the best form of treatment.

More aboutMelanoma, Skin Disease and Skin Cancer Treatment - You Need to Read This

NanoTech and Cancer Cures at a Cross Roads

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

As nanotechnology and biotechnology will soon connect to finding cures for many human-urgent medical problems, and possibly cures for many types of cancer. Consider the micro-mechanical delivery systems are concentrated in areas where the cancer cells or even Search and Destroy, which would pass through the body and weed out the cancer cells from the biosystem? How are these technologies from reality?

is not too far, and some are ready to be tested on real people, as they have already proved effective in laboratory situations. One concept is to use a micro-thin carbon nano-tubes for drug delivery to the exact area of ​​cancer area without hurting nearby healthy cells and the concept actually works, now it's just a matter of time to test it on humans, but it really is just one of many of these new techniques and technology is considered today.

Others are also under way on a daily basis and a medical researcher or researchers think another way to treat some types of cancer do you see? In the next two decades, scientists and research and development laboratories can be well on its way to eliminating cancer as a leading cause of death in the world first? At the end of the economies of scale and new techniques may be available for people around the world, imagine a world without cancer?

More aboutNanoTech and Cancer Cures at a Cross Roads

Cancer - Scope of Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the body, which proves to be destructive and life threatening over time. Cancer is called the type of cell growth and organ or body part that it affects. Conventional cancer treatments are - surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy


Modern medicine can cure or control most cancer seen today, however, complete cure May not be possible in a significant percentage of those affected, and the side effects of therapy, and repeat, the main problem.

In this scenario, an Ayurvedic herbal medicines have specific and important role in the management and treatment of cancer. Closest Ayurvedic term for cancer "Rakta-Barbuda", which stands for malignant tumors.

the most important step in any serious disease is "prevention". Ayurveda seeks a healthy lifestyle by balancing physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life. There is a strong emphasis on a balanced, nutritious diet, regular exercise and relaxation, preventive cleansing of the body at regular intervals, and a holistic approach to the material and spiritual needs.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines can be safely used as a complementary therapy to modern treatment of various cancers. The treatment is three pronged: - (i) reduction in tumor size (ii) preventing or stopping the spread of tumor cells through the blood and lymph channels, and (iii) directly affect the treatment of tissue. This treatment also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Herbal remedies such as Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Indian Podophyllum (Podophyllum hexandrum), Sadapuli (Lochner rosea), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), a Heerak Bhasma are used to reduce Size tumora.Način action is complex, and some act directly on tumor cells, while others increase the body immunity and indirectly reduce the size of the tumor. Herb-mineral combinations like Arogya-Vardhini, triphala guggulu and Chandraprabha are also useful.

Processing 'race' and 'Rakta' doshas is an important part of cancer treatment. Medications such as Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Kanchnaar (Bauhinia Variegata) are very useful for preventing the spread of cancer cells in the body.

According to the basic principles of Ayurveda, the human body is composed of seven different, different tissues: - Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda, Astha, majja and Shukra.Tkiva who have been affected due to any particular type of cancer can be treated directly Ayurvedic medicine, and this makes the third approach to cancer treatment.

This is, therefore, a brief overview of Ayurvedic treatment approach raka.Glavna advantage is that the above-mentioned principles of cancer treatment can be applied to any type or form of cancer, and treatment can be tailored as per the specific requirements of each individual patient. This treatment can definitely improve the overall outcome and survival of cancer patients.

More aboutCancer - Scope of Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Complete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

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prostate cancer alternative treatments is defined as a group of unique approaches to cancer treatment are not considered conventional therapy for prostate cancer, and is used in place of conventional cancer treatments.

Prostate cancer is the prostate of men attack the mass of harmful cells. Prostate cancer is most common in the United States and the third leading cause of cases raka.American American Cancer Society estimates that one in six men will face a diagnosis of prostate cancer during their lifetime.

Types of alternative prostate cancer treatments

of Chinese medicine is one of the alternative method is used to treat prostate cancer. Also commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this holistic prostate cancer treatment is based on ancient philosophical frameworks. Traditional Chinese Medicine devises therapy programs in the search for inequalities between internal and external balance in patients. There are eight branches of TCM: Tui na (massage therapy), acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese food therapy, Qigong (Breathing), T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Feng Shui, a Chinese astrologija.Osam branches of Chinese medicine, as most other prostate cancer treatments, are used to relieve pain associated with disease, and medication for side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments.

herbalism or herbal medicine, holistic prostate cancer alternate treat medicinal properties of plants and plant extracts in the treatment center. Some of the most popular parts of the herbal medicine include St. John's wort, lemon juice, green tea, honey, grapefruit, black Cohash, poultices, juniper, and eucalyptus. Herbal therapy is especially highly regarded in Europe.

alternative prostate cancer treatment for conventional prostate cancer therapy

Conventional therapy of prostate cancer managed by members of the medical community, including physiotherapists, psychologists and nurses. Conventional cancer treatments are under intensive study in order to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Hormone therapy and radiation are conventional therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer. Removing the testicles, the surgical procedure called orchiectomy, is another traditional prostate cancer treatment. Such as chemotherapy. Cancer cells are also usually frozen as part of cryosurgery.

There are two common surgical procedures used to treat prostate cancer. They are radical prostatectomy and transurethal resection of prostate (TURP). Radical prostatectomy surgery is usually performed by a cancer has not spread outside the prostate. There are two types of radical prostatectomy procedures, radical retropubic and perineal resection of the prostate pristup.Transurethal be performed in order to prevent prostate swelling.

luteinizing hormone-releasing analogs and luteinizing hormone-releasing antagonists are prostate cancer medications designed to prevent the release of cancer-inducing luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone from the brain. Luteinizing altering drugs are a staple in conventional prostate cancer treatments.

is not marked by the same level of study or control, which means the biggest difference between alternative prostate cancer treatment, and most traditional methods of curing diseases.

More aboutComplete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Naturopathic Methods of Treating Breast Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Naturopathic medicine is a whole body approach to health and healing, which identifies the cause of the disease, rather than just treating the symptoms. It also promotes the balance of our internal environment and the body's natural ability to heal itself by stimulating the immune system. In conjunction with identifying how to strengthen the system, blocks or obstacles inherent ability of the body to restore health are removed. All these things are accomplished by the use of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, exercise, hydrotherapy and herbal remedies, etc.

naturopathic medicine for breast cancer are certainly not the mainstream approach. But as much to learn and understand the treatment, the more attractive they become. Despite conditioned to believe in him and the treatment protocol of our conventional system, we see the validity and success of natural approaches.

, because these drugs are less invasive, less toxic, disease or illness is not složen.Pacijent are not confronted with the harmful side effects or other debilitating condition. Anyone who has been prescribed any medication from a doctor is fully aware that they usually have warned of the "side effects". So basically, how would you treat a condition that they are in danger of creating something else. This is not the case with natural remedies, because, as mentioned earlier, the whole body system has been streamlined with this care.

One of the biggest blows against naturopathic medicine is that it requires time to take effect. We are accustomed to the "quick fix", and this is not the case when in fact, the whole system is corrected, and all that is out of balance is balanced. This reduces the risk of side effects. Therefore, the acute situation does not need to subscribe to naturopathic medicine. Breast cancer that has progressed beyond a certain point does not know that a fair and naturopathic medicine.

In weighing their options for treating breast cancer, naturopathic medicine should be given consideration, depending on how the cancer has progressed and what the prognosis is determined.

More aboutNaturopathic Methods of Treating Breast Cancer

The Most Effective, Alternative Cancer Treatment Revealed

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon declared war on cancer in the United States. All the billions spent on cancer research are left to explore new ways of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Since then, inexpensive, time-tested, natural therapies that have been used successfully for decades around the world and still ignored by conventional medical sustava.Činjenica is that, behind the scenes, millions of people worldwide are successfully treated for cancer using low-cost, natural, alternative treatment of cancer in the 1920s.

of cancer can start with just one or a few cells around the body that undergo changes and become malignant, cancerous ili.Stanice divide and proliferate, a cancer grows. Most tumors arise on the surface of tissues such as skin, the lining of the uterus, mouth, stomach, intestines, bladder, or bronchial tubes in the lungs or channels within the breast, prostate, or other sites. Eventually, they grow from microscopic to visible clump mass, and then start to invade the underlying tissue. As long as the cells remain in a mass, however, the cancer is localized.

At some later stage in a process called metastasis, some cancer cells are separated and swept into lymph channels or bloodstream to other parts of the body. They can be trapped for hours in nearby lymph nodes (stage called regional participation), but if the disease is arrested, it will quickly attack the rest of the body, with almost certainly result in death. Some types of cancer increases with speed malicious, some are dormant in comparison. Some respond to various therapies such as radiation, others do not. About half of the known types of cancer are not curable at any stage. Of the remaining half, it is obviously necessary to diagnose and treat them as early as possible.

If you are seriously considering alternative therapies to treat cancer, you should not rush yourself into any kind of drug. You should take your time, because there are a lot of information that you need to know the mistakes you must avoid. There are many natural treatments available but you must remember that they only work on the minority of people who use it properly. It also depends on the patient's body chemistry. There is the best treatment for certain types or stages of cancer.

conventional doctors do not use alternative cancer therapies. They just put themselves in legal and professional risk if they use chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and expensive droge.Presuda the doctor about what is best for you can never be imposed if the medical policy at the federal level and state level to approve it. Unfortunately, the only FDA promotes drugs and has a long record of not approving any alternative. No matter how well alternative treatments work, MD can never use these because they do not want any problems that might damage their careers.

The success of these so-called alternative cancer treatments, or overpriced by the community for cancer treatment alternatives, or underestimated by the traditional. But if you really want to treat your cancer through alternative therapies, doctors around the world have found the 6 basic types of natural alternative cancer treatments that can be used together:
1st Whole Body Detoxification
2nd Nutrition and oxygenation
3rd The immune system of the building
4th enzymatic Therapy
5th Mental and emotional counseling
6th Non-toxic, natural chemotherapy

More aboutThe Most Effective, Alternative Cancer Treatment Revealed

The Big News About Herbal Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

is very deceptive cancer that affects the prostate, does not start early, but grows rapidly after the start. This cancer like many can be life threatening and very harmful. Many people afflicted with this type of cancer do not even realize what is wrong until it becomes a nightmare.

prostate cancer affects men and their sexual performance, and other sexual functions. More so, older people should be concerned about developing prostate cancer, although it does not affect young people as well. Surgery is an option many are having trouble dealing with, as they will change their lives forever.

surgery is going to be the only known treatment of prostate cancer in the medical field. However, this does not take your abilities to perform sexually, which leaves many with psychological problems. Although people who have surgery can live a long life, many people living with depression. You are never a guarantee that cancer cells are moved to other parts of the body.

herbal treatment for prostate cancer is offered an alternative for people suffering from prostate cancer. This treatment method is not supported by any medical professional, but most believers in herbal medicines. Many believe that early detection of cancer and continued herbal treatment for prostate cancer, you can skip any groups that will help you to deal with prostate cancer.

Listed below are several options for herbal treatment for prostate cancer:

O lycopene, to help fight the risk of developing cancer. Tomatoes, watermelons and grapefruits are a good source of lycopene. Lycopene is going deep into the body and helps to reverse the malignant process. Hence, this herb acts on prostate cancer.

of the Saw Palmetto-this helps prevent the 5-alpha-reductase and interferes with the DRT, as well as working as a phytoestrogen. It helps fight prostate cancer. This herbal treatment for prostate cancer comes from a plant known as saw palmettos.

of the selenium-to is provided from the garlic, chicken, grains and shellfish. There is a link to a lack of selenium and cancer. When these plants, and build a wall against cancer.

By having, regular check up and taking a herbal treatment for prostate cancer [] prevention and treatment will allow a long life. You must follow the guidelines for how much you need per day for any treatment to work.

More aboutThe Big News About Herbal Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Does Ginseng Cure Cancer?

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Ginseng is an herb that is extensively used in oriental medicine to cure all kinds of diseases. Korean ginseng, also known as Panax Ginseng or Chinese, is considered the most effective among the various types of ginseng available. It contains a group of compounds called ginsenoids that is claimed to be responsible for preventive and curative effects of ginseng.

Because of the potency of herbs in the fight against various conditions such as diabetes, cancer, fatigue and stress, and others, several studies conducted worldwide to understand the secret behind the effectiveness of this biljke.Skupina researchers studied the effects of ginseng, especially its potential to cure cancer and published their findings in the journal of Chinese medicine. They opined that ginsenoids act as functional ligands for activating different steroid hormone receptors. Through such mechanisms, ginseng acts on the body in ways similar to steroid hormones.

Ginseng has shown therapeutic effects on the cardio vascular system, central nervous system, immune system, metabolism, endocrine function, stress and aging. Ginseng is also used extensively in oriental medicine to treat cancer.

studies reveal that the pharmacological effects of ginseng are due to bioactive substances such as ginsenoids, saponins, peptides, polysaccharides, polyacetylenes, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. According to a report in the Journal of Chinese Medicine, ginsenoids have anti-tumor effects and has the ability to induce apoptosis or death of tumor cells, anti-proliferation, anti-invasion and metastasis, as well as anti-angiogenesis.

Metastasis is the process by which cancer spreads from the place where the first in a primary tumor to other parts of the body. Metastasis is caused due to the cancer cells acquiring two separate abilities - increased motility and invasiveness. It involves a complex process of angiogenesis (the development process of new blood vessels) and cell interactions. Inhibiting tumor-induced angiogenesis, metastasis ginsenoids control. Ginsenoids are also useful in inhibiting the invasiveness of cancer. They have been shown to inhibit lung metastasis, and reduce the majority of tumors in melanoma, breast, stomach and pluća.Jedini way to cure cancer, control and destroy metastatic tumor cells.

Ginseng contains several compounds that have been found useful in promoting cell death in ovarian cancer cells, flat cells of lung cancer and adenocarcinoma stanice.Znanstvenici say that the way in which ginsenoids help in eliminating tumor cells can be stimulating cell death.

Ginsenoids also show preventive effects. They inhibit the progression of cell cycle and are known to stop cell growth in tumor cell lines of lung cancer, prostrate cancer, leukemia and liver cancer.

Researchers say it is called ginsenoids WG3 and RH2 have emerged in China, Taiwan ad as anti-cancer drugs. WG3 suppresses tumor angiogenesis, prevents the adhesion, invasion and metastasis of tumor cells. It was also found that chemotherapy with the addition of RH2 is 60% more effective than chemotherapy alone. RH2 also shown promise for alleviating the negative effects of chemotherapy such as hair loss, nausea, anemia and poor appetite.

I WG3 and RH2 are extracted from Korean red ginseng. This magical plant continues to astound scientists around the world and provide people with a living miracle.

More aboutDoes Ginseng Cure Cancer?

Complete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

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Prostate cancer alternative treatments is defined as a group of unique approaches to cancer treatment not considered a conventional treatment of prostate cancer, and is used in conventional cancer treatment.

Prostate cancer is an assault by the male prostate weight of harmful cells. Prostate cancer is most common in the United States and the third leading cause of cases raka.American American Cancer Society estimates that one in six men will face a diagnosis of prostate cancer during his lifetime.

The types of alternative treatments for prostate cancer

Chinese medicine is one of the alternative method is used to treat prostate cancer. Also commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this holistic prostate cancer treatment is based on the old philosophical frameworks. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment programs alike are looking for imbalances between internal and external harmony within patients. There are eight branches of TCM: Tui na (massage therapy), acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese food therapy, Qigong (breathing), T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Feng Shui, a Chinese astrologija.Osam branches of Chinese medicine, as most other prostate cancer treatments, are used to relieve pain associated with the disease, as well as the cure for side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments.

herbalism or herbal medicine is holistic prostate cancer alternate treat medicinal properties of herbs and herbal extracts in the treatment center. Some of the most popular components of herbal medicine include St. John's wort, lemon juice, green tea, honey, grapefruit, black Cohash, poultices, juniper, and eucalyptus. Herbal therapy is especially highly regarded in Europe.

Alternative treatments for prostate cancer vs. conventional prostate cancer therapy

Conventional treatment of prostate cancer managed by members of the medical community, including physiotherapists, psychologists and nurses. Conventional cancer treatments are under intensive study in order to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Hormone therapy and radiation are conventional therapies for the treatment of prostate cancer. Removal of the testicles, in a surgical procedure called orchiectomy, is another traditional prostate cancer treatment. Such as chemotherapy. Cancer cells are also usually frozen as part of cryosurgery.

There are two common surgical procedures used to treat prostate cancer. They are radical prostatectomy and transurethal resection of prostate (TURP). Radical prostatectomy, surgery is usually performed after the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate. There are two types of radical prostatectomy procedures, radical retropubic and perineal resection of the prostate pristup.Transurethal be made ​​to reduce prostate swelling.

luteinizing hormone-releasing analogs and luteinizing hormone-releasing antagonists are prostate cancer medications designed to prevent the release of cancer-inducing luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone from the brain. Luteinizing altering drugs are a staple of conventional prostate cancer treatments.

is not marked by the same level of study or control, indicates the greatest difference between alternative prostate cancer treatment, and most traditional methods of curing diseases.

More aboutComplete Guidelines to Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatments

Fordyce Granules - Fordyce Spots on the Mouth and Lips

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

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Fordyce granules are a condition in which small white or yellowish raised areas present on the vermilion border and the inner surface of the lips. They are products of ectopic sebaceous glands that are located on the lips and mouth. Fordyce spots are small white bumps that appear on different parts of the body where sebaceous glands are. Mostly the cells of the same kinds of conditions, but there are in the mouth region. These areas can go untreated and should not cause any severe anxiety. It is considered normal, and it is believed that up to 80% of adults have these granules.

Fordyce granules are a condition in which small white or yellowish raised areas present on the vermilion border and the inner surface of the lips. They are products of ectopic sebaceous glands that are located on the lips and mouth. Fordyce spots are small white bumps that appear on different parts of the body where sebaceous glands are. Mostly the cells of the same kinds of conditions, but there are in the mouth region. These areas can go untreated and should not cause any severe anxiety. It is considered normal, and it is believed that up to 80% of adults have these granules.

Learn more about this natural.

More aboutFordyce Granules - Fordyce Spots on the Mouth and Lips

Stomatitis (Mouth Sores) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Diposting oleh writer

Inflammation of the mouth known as stomatitis. It May be caused by poor oral hygiene, burns due to hot liquids or food intake, medications, allergic reactions or infections. Although the cause of recurrent apthous stomatitis (canker sores) is not known, nutritional deficiencies are believed to play an important ulogu.Upravljanje stomatitis depends on the cause responsible for the disease.

stomatitis is also known as "Mukhpak" in Ayurvedi.Standardni Ayurvedic treatment for stomatitis that slijedi.Uvarak of triphala (three fruits), PATH (Cissampelos pareira), Manuka (dried grapes), and Jai (Jasminum auriculatum) leaves, combined with honey, used to rinse the mouth. Cold water mixed with honey, or a decoction of Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) and alum are also used as a mouthwash. Jatyadi oil, or Kamdudha mixed with a cream used for topical application to wounds. Khadiradi Uses for sucking. Mild purgation is advised. In patients who have recurrent stomatitis, blood letting is advised.

In Ayurveda, stomatitis is divided into five different types, depending on the deranged Dosha causes simptome.Mali description of each type, with a specific treatment is given below.

U "Vataja" type of stomatitis, there is severe pain, fissuring language, intolerance and cold food items. Panchlavan (five salt), and medicated oils are used for local application. Herbal remedies are useful here: Arjun (Terminalia Arjuna), Eranda (Ricinus communis), Khadira (Acacia catechu), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Tagar (Valeriana wallichii), deodar (Cedrus deodara) and Shilajit (bitumen ).

U "Pittaja" type, there is a severe burning, redness, and a bitter taste in the mouth. Induced purgation is advised in this type. Sugarcane juice, milk, grape juice and glucose water is used as a mouthwash. Dhatki (Woodfordia fruticosa) leaves are advised to be chewed. The same treatment, together with the blood letting was advised to "Raktaja" type, where all the symptoms are more pronounced.

U "Kaphaja" type, there is relatively less boli.Čirevi in the mouth are very red, and sticky. There are more than salivation, and slight itching in the affected areas. Corner (Picrorrhiza kurroa), salt and Kshars (drug caustics) are used for local application. Decoctions from Palash (Butea monosperma) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), mixed with Kshar used as a mouthwash.

The last type of stomatitis titled "Sannipataja", there is a combination of symptoms vataja, pittaja and kaphaja species. Treatment is administered in accordance with the dominant simptomima.Ayurvedski formulations containing Gorochan, KASIS, alum, Rasanjan, Mocharasa (Salmalia malabarica) and honey is used for local application.

With the above treatment, most patients have only local symptoms get cured within a few days. For cancers that are common sore, or stomatitis with very severe symptoms, more prolonged treatment is usually required. In addition, patients may require oral treatment of herbal medicines, to correct imbalances in the body.

More aboutStomatitis (Mouth Sores) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment