More About Natural Cancer Cures

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

ask just about any teenager or adult, and they will be able to tell you that conventional cancer treatments are available and in use today - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. But how many people are aware that natural cancer remedies even exist? And if a person has heard of natural cancer treatments, can give examples? Probably not.

There are hundreds of natural treatments available today, including many who have very successfully for several decades. In most cases, treatment is often used in other countries, but not in the U.S. u.Glavni reason for this is the FDA does not allow U.S. doctors to prescribe any treatment of cancer, but surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. American doctors can lose their license to practice medicine and be tried, and imprisonment if they recommend alternative treatments to their patients.

natural cancer treatments can be broadly categorized as a treatment you administer to, the treatments must be administered by physicians, and treatments that must be applied in specialized clinics. One interesting thing about all the different treatments, in almost every case you will be told to immediately start improving your diet. This is because cancer is the failure of the immune system so that the number one priority of all natural therapy is to improve the immune system. And above all, improving your diet, adding lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting out junk food, sugar and sodas, and most packaged foods.

Something you might not know about natural cancer treatment is that it does not interfere with conventional treatments, it can do both at the same time, many people do. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are designed to kill cancer cells, but unfortunately they kill healthy cells and cancer cells. This means that healthy cells that function as part of the immune system kill, too. Since the main thrust of most natural treatments to build up your immune system so that it can fight cancer, of course, these treatments may help suppress the immune system with chemotherapy and radiation damage.

What does it mean to you? Using natural treatments with conventional treatments May keep you from hair loss or extreme nausea and vomiting often caused by chemotherapy. Many natural cancer therapies are designed to help your body defend itself and quickly repaired.

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