Cure Cancer Naturally - Learn to Cure Cancer Without Chemotherapy, Radiation, Drugs and Surgery

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Today, millions are aware of the toxic effects of traditional cancer treatments have on the body. For this reason, many people prefer to seek treatment for cancer out of their traditional medical clinics. Not only have people walk away from the main treatments, many are winning the battle against this potentially deadly disease by using alternative methods.

Patients are definitely growing weary of the medical system that promotes drugs and surgery as a first option for the healing of any disease or illness. People are starting to hand with the knowledge and that knowledge enables them to see that there is another alternative. As a result of this knowledge, many people around the world are themselves cancer, of course.

Chemotherapy is a treatment that not many people. Those who survived the experience extreme side effects. This is because chemotherapy is a very potent drug and has a very strong reaction in the human body.

This happens because chemotherapy is a band-aid approach and does not address the underlying cause of the problem. So why cancer cells? Where did they come from? If you asked a traditional doctor to answer these questions, it is likely that you will not get a straight answer.

Your cancer is occurring, because your body is acidic and toxic. Your diet and lifestyle is directly connected to the immune system in your body, and its ability to kill any disease. It is likely that traditional doctors would disagree with that statement, but a holistic doctor will tell you that the whole body is sick, not just the body part that the tumor.

Natural cancer therapy, the tumor is viewed as a sign that your whole body's acid balance and beyond. Natural remedies will then be managed to help the whole body back into balance and get well. The disease will never survive or thrive within the body that is healthy and in balance.

injecting drugs to destroy cancer cells as they appear is not the answer. Although Treatment can destroy some of the damaged cells, the likelihood that cancer will occur or remain in the body is very high.

surgery is also a bad choice. While the operation will remove the tumor, the underlying problem is still not addressed. This applies to radiation and other toxic drugs and cancer treatments.

More aboutCure Cancer Naturally - Learn to Cure Cancer Without Chemotherapy, Radiation, Drugs and Surgery

Alkalizing For Vibrant Health & Energy

Diposting oleh writer

alkalizing your body is the only way to combat various diseases and aging. If you're wondering what alkalizing your body means the answer is simple and complicated. Complicated because it involves the maintenance of body pH to 7.3 so that all functions in the body can be performed optimally. Simply because all one needs to do is change their food intake involves more than 80% alkalizing foods and acidifying foods hold up to 20 %.

let us understand what it means hrane.Različite alkalizing foods that we eat are burned by the body release energy. This mountain is also called digestion. This burning in the stomach leaving ashes. If the alkaline nature of ashes, then the food that is derived from the ashes of the alkalizing foods. On the other hand, if the rest of the ashes of acidic pH in their food and then acidifying. Alkalizing foods may not necessarily be alkaline in nature. As lemon is acidic foods. But when you eat has an alkalizing effect on the body. Similar to many other citrus fruits that are acidic are the essence of alkalizing foods. Therefore, the nature of the food determines the affect it will have on our body. One must consume vegetables and fruits to alkalize the body.

There are several types of alkalizing foods. All the vegetables are alkalizing food categories. Cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, etc., as well as green vegetables are alkalizing. Tomatoes and potatoes are also alkalizing foods. All fruits except cranberries are alkalizing foods. Tofu, chicken breasts, several forms of protein that are alkalizing. Figs have a high content of alkalizing them and so the Miso. Almonds are alkalizing nuts, and can do wonders for your body. Needless to say that one should avoid acidic foods such as various meats. Oysters are highly acidic and should not be consumed often. Another seemingly harmless food soda. Soda as acidic in nature, your car battery and needs 32 glasses of water alkalizing balance one glass of juice.

alkalizing the answer to regaining your health back, and it also gives your life a boost. Save all the chemical treatments and simply alkalize your body for shinning hair and strong nails. After alkalizing your body will find a glowing skin texture and feel good and energetic throughout the day. Alkalizing also rejected a variety of diseases, and also can cure chronic diseases like arthritis. Many cancer patients alkalized their bodies along with their medications and treatments and found a big change in their energy levels and give the gift of life.

alkalizing a new lease of life. Get it today. Change your eating habits and add alkalizing foods to your menu. A few days you will see a difference not only in their level of energy, but also his attitude toward life in general.

More aboutAlkalizing For Vibrant Health & Energy